Nov 29, 2005 22:52

I'm not! I'm really not!

I hate her.
I hate her. I hate lying, backstabbing, evil sons of bitches.

If for one fucking second they think that they can get away with this, there are going to be some very, very mistaken doctors at this hospital.

I swear to fucking God, that if for one second they expect me to actually WORK FOR FOREMAN?!

Cuddy! What the fuck do you think you are doing? I mean, sure I don't fucking understand why the hell the review board decided that I needed to be supervised like a wayward toddler who's running around trying to stick forks in electrical sockets, but why in the fucking hell did you think that putting FOREMAN in charge was a good idea?!

Go the fuck ahead. Let him be in charge. See if I listen to him, then. Oh, you want me to need supervision? Then you'll get the toddler. I will make the next month of this hospital's life a living, breathing, hell on earth. I am not doing clinic duty. You will have to drag my sorry, crippled ass downstairs, and I will be screaming, and I will pout and sit in a corner. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into.

The state of New Jersey will have a rash of unexplained canings in dark parking garages.

The hospital's admit rate will plummet because of me turning away patients at the door. Or scaring them off because they're all fucking morons who wouldn't know how to wipe their own ass if mommy hadn't held their hand and helped them.

And Wilson. What the hell was that about?! 'I guess I'm his best friend now?' What, have you finally given in to the temptation of the dark side? I hope the sex with Foreman is great, because fuck knows you ain't getting any with Julie. And before you all get ideas, NO we're not sleeping with each other.

Being treated like a fucking two year old is worse than if I had my license stripped. Because I'm not good enough of a doctor to be able to make my own grown up decisions and help people, but I need another one to boss me around. You pick the black guy, the one who I harass and sling racial slurs at, to give me my just desserts. Great.

Just. Fucking. Great.

I think I've come down with a nice case of the plague. Looks like I'm going to have to call in sick this week. Wouldn't want to infect my other 'team members' or those poor morons in the clinic who are around when I'm kicking and screaming and throwing my hissy fit. This is

You wanted this fight? Get the fuck in the sandbox, bitches. It's on.


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