let me get this straight

Apr 08, 2008 18:35

I just want to make sure I have my facts in order:

My wife apparently thinks that because I am concerned with the world my son is growing up in that my entire thought process has turned into becoming an activist for mutant rights, simply because I think it's absolute bullshit that people are being treated unfairly. My desire to ensure my son's future is in a world where people are treated fairly and with respect is a bad thing? I haven't picked up a picket sign and I haven't lit myself on fire. One bar fight apparently means I'm a horrible example for a son who won't even remember anything for another year at the earliest.

And a friend of mine thinks I've gone and put my dumb self into a fight don't belong on. Sure, I'm not a mutant, but my friends are, and it's the same planet that's in the balance here. Forgive me for giving a shit about my country and the fact that this never-ending battle is causing friends of mine to end up dead or shot at, houses burnt down, prisons destroyed...do I need to continue? Am I expected to sit back and watch with a martini glass in one hand and cigartette in the other and let everyone duke it out and then pick up the leftovers?

Fuck that.

I may be in deep, but I'm not in over my head. To be honest, I haven't gone to Genosha, I haven't given any statements to the press, I haven't done anything other than stand up for my friends and what I feel is right and offer my help from a medical standpoint with the need for greater research and treatment options for mutants. I'm not on the front lines with spandex on and I'm not filling your television sets with my face, either.

If the situation was reversed, and I was the one being ripped apart by the tabloids, or I was the one being shot at, or it was my sexuality or my anything being labeled as 'wrong' just because of who I was or what color my skin was, then I would want all of you to do exactly what I'm doing for you now. Stand up. Don't give in, don't back down, and don't be afraid to take charge to protect what you love most and what you need.

It's all about family, actually.

And for the record, I have never denied getting my ass kicked. Why would I? I've got a bad leg. When a psychopathic ex-agent knocks my ass out in a dark alley and then spends the next three days holding me underground and I end up with a bullet in my arm and a broken nose, not to mention my fear of concrete parking garages I had for, oh, a year after that...I don't deny that I'm not the best in a fight, but I'll be dammed before I just walk away and turn the other cheek.

I may be better than God, but I'm no Jesus.
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