Jul 01, 2006 20:23
WOW it has been a long time since I have been on here. Life is pretty much the same though. So for all of you who would like to know the update on my life here it is:
Work sucks and I want to find a new job!
I still do not have a girlfriend!
I have been accused of some things that are not true!
I feel like I lost some of my best friends in the whole entire universe!(you know you you are)
I have slipped away from God but am slipping back towards Him!
I am reading the DaVinci Code!
I have a baby mocking bird nammed Trigger!
I miss my baby dog! (Goofy)
I am taking Algebra 2 over the summer so I can be a grade ahead in math!
I am going to go paint balling with a girl named Kaila!
Life Sucks of course!
I am going to Florida with the youth July 24-29!
I am going to the Family Values Tour on July 31!
My mom is having siezures!
I am hungry!LOL!