15 Pairings Challenge

Jul 29, 2011 22:39

when a prompt is complete, the name of the prompt will link to the entry on livejournal and the name of the pairing will link to the entry on fanficition.net

for more information on this challenge, check out 15pairings

Fandom: The World Ends With You/Subarashiki Kono Sekai
Theme Set: 3

1. once upon a time - JoshuaxRhyme
2. "You've got two choices."
3. separation anxiety
4. practice makes perfect
5. "Shut up and listen."
6. piggyback ride
7. up close and personal
8. misery loves company - JoshuaxNeku
9.  photograph - ShikixEri
10. together
11. mind games
12. love/hate relationship
13. star gazing
14. friends first, lovers second
15. always a bridesmaid

the world ends with you, fanfiction

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