New S7 Trailer SQUEE!

Aug 02, 2012 01:53

The new S7 trailer is up on the official site (look under Latest News to find it) and on YouTube courtesy BBC America. Hopefully I can get it to work here.

image Click to view

So, let's all flail in anticip...ation of a brand new series coming...SOON. (From what I can tell, it looks like it's gonna be September 1 on BBC A based on their future schedule. So most likely the same in the UK. I hope, since being a week behind would bite.)

series 7, dat ass, river song, tagsplosion, brb vomiting rainbows, matt smith: nature's fertility drug, universal boner time, boom! you're pregnant, trailers, amy pond, what the actual fuck?, all hail the moff, dat jacket, why so genius moff?, rory williams, dat romance, why so hbic river?, squee, phwoary willmakeyourovariesded, cheekbones chiselled from pure epic, team sexy, bowties are cool, send your therapy bill to the moff, braces oh god, all the feelings, i wear a stetson now, fangasm squee, only matt can make that look cool, phwoarr reptiles!, brb shipping, dinosaurs in our doctor who, our bodies are ready, everything is beautiful & nothing hurts, mr and mrs pond, oh god the eyes, what are you planning moff?, this is pterrific, guest stars, dalek spank inferno, unexpected!sexiness, why so badass rory?, bamf

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