R.I.P Caroline John. 1940 - 2012.

Jun 21, 2012 15:34

It is with great sadness that I must report that Caroline John who played the Third Doctor's first companion Liz Shaw died earlier this month at the age of 71.

Caroline appeared in the first John Pertwee season in 1970, before leaving to have a baby. Her character was a physicist and UNIT's scientific advisor before being bumped into second place with the arrival of the Doctor. In show she left claiming that what the Doctor really needed was "someone to pass him test tubes and tell him how brilliant he was." She was also married to Geoffrey Beevers who played one of the incarnations of the Master

She is one of the few official companions who never travelled with the Doctor in the TARDIS, her period as his companion conciding with his exile on Earth. However she was able to hold her own during their adventures and was in many ways the Doctor's equal.

She was last mentioned in "The Death of the Doctor" where it was claimed she was stuck on UNIT's moonbase. As with other past companions I like to think that though Caroline John may no longer be with us, in the Whoneverse, Liz Shaw is still out there, carrying on the Doctor's legacy like so many other companions.

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"You really believe in a man who has helped to save the world twice, with the power to change his physical appearance? An alien who travels though time and space--in a police box?!?"

R.I. P Caroline John.

death of the doctor, announcements, companions, rip

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