Info about the new companion *POTENTIAL SPOILERS*

Jun 15, 2012 13:52

At the moment, this is potentially speculative, and the info comes from an as yet un-aired interview with Steven Moffat for BBC Radio 5. But, according to DoctorWhoTV, Mr Moffat has said the following about the new companion:

Speculative spoilers under the cut )

speculation, listen what the moff says, jenna louise coleman, companions, spoilers

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ragdoll June 15 2012, 13:50:37 UTC
At the risk of sounding bitchy here, I do not want her to be:

1. Romana
2. The Rani
3. Jenny
4. a child of 11/River (or any other Doctor/River)
5. any child of the Ponds
6. Susan Foreman
7. any child of the Doctor's conceived while he was fobwatched

fobwatched or otherwise, and cannot tell you how tired I am of hearing all of the above bandied about as theories ad nauseum.

So, hearing she has no link to any previous characters is a good thing indeed.

I do worry about 'shocking and intriguing' only because when words like that are used (i.e. "GAME CHANGER!") and the character doesn't live up to the hype, people get stupid.

All that said, she could be someone like Luke or Sky Smith (from SJA) who were both 100% human and yet born/created in alien labs (and yet would be considered as being from Contemporary Earth), or River who was 100% human...until we found out there was a PLUS included.

So I'm wondering if it'll be something like that OR she'll have some extraordinary power that contemporary Terrans shouldn't have, but does. (Maybe she'll have faerie blood like Sookie Stackhouse!)

My cracky theory is that given Jenna-Louise's real life boyfriend is Richard Madden, she's really a renegade Targaryen who slipped through the cracks of the Multiverse and grew up on Earth. She's 100% human but has the amazing ability to handle dragons. ;)

ETA: Oh, and her name is going to be Clara (Face of) Boe. *ducks*


the_willows June 15 2012, 13:58:00 UTC
I don't want her to be any of those things either, so having no links to previous characters made me sigh with relief. :)


ragdoll June 15 2012, 14:07:01 UTC
Oh, me too. Although somehow, some fans just seem to think that it's the Moff being cagey and she really will turn out to be one of the above (if not more than one ><). I know he swore River was 100% human and of course, then she turned out to be 100% human PLUS (now with extra Time Lord D! N! A!), but I'd like to think he wouldn't repeat that trick so quickly. Or give us another companion connected to other people so soon after the whole Ponds and River story (which I absolutely LOVE, but don't want a rerun of within a year).

I really want Clara (if that *is* her actual name) to be someone new and different than the last seven major companions of the Nu Who era (meaning Rose, Jack, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory and River) even if she shares the young human person from contemporary Earth (read UK) thing with five of those. While it would've been nice if she was either alien or from another time period (or both like Vastra), I didn't have my hopes pinned on either. The current line of thinking (as far back as RTD) is that the Companion needs to be what the Moff says she'll be and that's just fine, esp when there are always new viewers, especially kids, who are just tuning in.

And let's face it, the most popular classic Who companions (other than Jamie) pretty much fit the same mould.


eaweek June 15 2012, 14:15:10 UTC
Well, Leela was also an alien technically, even if IIRC descended from humans on Earth.

I have no problems with another 21st century Earth companion, so long as she's interesting and has good chemistry with the Doctor.


eaweek June 15 2012, 14:12:08 UTC
My cracky theory is that given Jenna-Louise's real life boyfriend is Richard Madden, she's really a renegade Targaryen who slipped through the cracks of the Multiverse and grew up on Earth. She's 100% human but has the amazing ability to handle dragons. ;)

ROTFLMAO! There's a crackfic right there, just waiting to be written. : )

BTW, I completely agree with your 1-7 list. I'll add a #8: a human/ Time Lord child of Rose and Ten-clone that somehow made her way into "this" universe to look for her "other" dad.


ragdoll June 15 2012, 14:21:34 UTC
I might even have to do it myself some day. Although she doesn't have the right colouring to be from the Targaryen family (they're all platinum haired with violet/indigo/lilac/whatever eyes), that's really the only one with major magical characteristics. And I wouldn't want her to be related to her bf's character because there's already enough incest in Game of Thrones to last a lifetime.

They really are gorgeous together.

OMG, I forgot about #8. I think I just blocked it out of my mind because it's too horrific a concept. Although now I'm thinking "Clara has two daddies"


eaweek June 15 2012, 16:07:40 UTC
OMG, I forgot about #8. I think I just blocked it out of my mind because it's too horrific a concept. Although now I'm thinking "Clara has two daddies"


Well, we should all thank our stars that Moff seems to have very little interest in resurrecting RTD's leftover story ideas.


eclecticmuse June 15 2012, 19:13:17 UTC
I agree in the sense that all the ways Moff is describing her is sort of setting her up to be the second coming of Jesus or whatever, and nothing can really live up to that sort of hype. That being said, it would be sort of hilarious if she WERE the Rani, because the Doctor would be OH FFS.

But I think she'll be someone completely new.


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