Matt and Karen on Radio One this morning: Video *updated*

Nov 21, 2011 14:47

Matt and Karen were on Fearn Cotton's show this morning on Radio One, and it was also had a video livestream!

Part One of the video is now on her site, I'll edit in part Two when it goes up.

Edit: Part Two is now available:

could listen for hours, aural sex, is this real life?, look at that teak crest god damn, brb vomiting rainbows, why so modest matthew?, karen's hair is to die for, matt smith: nature's fertility drug, universal boner time, boom! you're pregnant, matt's epic hair, i can't even, matt smith, why so gorgeous karen?, spontaneous ovulation, neverending sexual frustration, radio, so hipster it hurts, matt smith's voice is made of sex, cheekbones chiselled from pure epic, promotional appearances, why so pretty matthew?, karen gillan

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