Oct 03, 2011 16:31

So - all that speculation and do I feel a fool?


I became obsessed with that 32 minutes thing, ganger Doctors and converging timelines and I ignored one important thing The Moff said at the BFI screening of "Let's Kill Hitler"...."don't overthink things".

It's beauty was it's sheer simplicity.

And one question would not be answered.

So - a question for you all. The Fields of Trenzalore - the fall of the Eleventh etc...where you can't tell a lie and a question is asked. If you had a character from the show on the Fields of Trenzalore and were given one question to ask...what would it be and which character would you ask it of?

For me, I'd grab 11 (wouldn't we all?) and ask him this: "So. WHY were there no ducks in the duck pond in Leadworth??"

series 6, misc, community, the wedding of river song, analysis and theories, questions and queries

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