Small Arthur Darvill Picspam

Jun 10, 2011 04:26

So I found a few more rehearsal pictures from the production of Doctor Faustus that Arthur's doing at the Globe Theatre, and Tumblr alerted stars_fell to the fact that he was at an after-party for a production of Government Inspector at the Young Vic last night.

Doctor Faustus
(I think some of these have been posted before, but just in case...)

Government Inspector After-Party

is this real life?, tagsplosion, capslock, universal boner time, theatre, stubble hnnnnng, picspam, show some skin arthur, *eclecticmuse is picspamming you again, fangasm, spontaneous ovulation, dr faustus, so hipster it hurts, arthur darvill, pics, pervy rory fanciers brigade, photos, pictures, holy mother of hnnng dat beard, arthur has bedroom hair, unf, why so sexy arthur?

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