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sharkshark June 3 2011, 23:46:28 UTC
I boxed my own ears once, to see what it felt like because I didn't believe it could hurt that bad. I was wrong.
/cool story bro

I noticed the blue light from the screwdriver too. wtf.

This episode was so fucking gorgeous, in so many ways. I'll totally admit I teared up at the end of the picspam, remembering how amazing it was.
And visually, the junkyard stuff was just so wonderfully done. I have such a film school boner for dirty dystopian landscapes. ♥


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stars_fell June 4 2011, 00:00:49 UTC
So boxing someone's ears is--punching them in the ear? Gah. :/


sharkshark June 4 2011, 00:23:25 UTC
It's actually more like...well, you can cup your hand, and whack it against someone's ear, and it makes it ring and hurts and just...AUGH.


owlsie June 4 2011, 01:16:25 UTC
Wow, it does!

(imagines how many people are boxing their own ears as they read this thread)


stars_fell June 4 2011, 01:17:19 UTC
Oh shit. What have I done.


endis_ni June 4 2011, 10:00:44 UTC

Dear me, I'm suggestible!


stars_fell June 4 2011, 00:01:32 UTC
I LOVED IT. I mean yeah, it looked like a quarry, but it also didn't look like a quarry. If that makes any sense.


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