A few new spoilers for Episode 7

May 26, 2011 11:34

From blogtorwho:

• Some of the story is set on an asteroid called Demons Run

• Features "Jack the Ripper's London"

• Silurians, Sontarans and Cybermen all return. As does River Song.

• Actress Neve McIntosh, who previously played Alaya and Restac in The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, is back as a character called Madame Vastra.

• Nicolas Briggs is back as the Voice of the Cybermen

• Some of it is set far in the future.

• "Eye Patch Lady" (played by Frances Barber) is back and has a name - Madam Kovarian

• Dorium Maldova, last seen in The Pandorica Opens, makes an appearance.

send your therapy bill to the moff, series 6, shit just got real, casting, casting spoilers, i can't even, spoilers

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