Arthur Darvill Birthday Scrapbook

May 12, 2011 17:42

Hello, fellow Elevenites!

Continuing in our fine, grand tradition of showing the members of Team TARDIS how much we appreciate them, it's now time to put together a birthday scrapbook for everyone's favorite Roman, Mr. Pond--Arthur Darvill.

The catch is that, since I am the conductor on the fail train, and I have driven the fail train off the fail tracks into Fail Canyon, those who would like to submit have a limited amount of time to get stuff in--his birthday is June 17th--but I've got some suggestions beneath the cut to hopefully make things easier on everyone.

I've decided to put in a soft deadline of June 3rd as the last day that I'll take submissions; the absolute last day I will accept anything is June 6th, but I highly encourage everyone who wants to participate to get things in as soon as possible so I'm not avalanched at the last second. (Though I suppose I would deserve it!)

LIMITATIONS (I know there's a better word for this but my brain is not supplying it)
The maximum size for a submission is about large postcard size, or 7x5". You can do either landscape or portrait orientation, but portrait is recommended (I'll be binding the book on the long edge).

Try not to go overboard in your praise and well-wishes; I guess basically a rule of thumb is, if you'd be embarrassed for your mother to read it, or if you'd be mortified if it was read out on live TV a la Graham Norton, you'd probably best not write it. ;)

Submit as many pages as you like! There's no limit on that. Now, since we're heavily time-crunched on this, unless you live in the U.S. you probably won't be able to mail me anything in time so I highly encourage (almost mandate) that submissions must be sent digitally. Here's some ideas to help you out:

- scan your submission (even if it's just a handwritten note)
- take a picture of it (like we did for Matt and Karen--you could always take a picture of yourself holding up a sign saying "Happy Birthday!")
- email or PM me a note and I can either handwrite it myself or typeset it all pretty in Photoshop
- send me a note along with any pictures/artwork you might want to use and give me an idea of how you want it laid out, and I can do it myself.

I've got a lot of free time at work so I really, honestly don't mind doing all this, and it's sort of like me trying to make up for springing this on everyone so late.

Arthur likes birds; he's a musician who plays several instruments, used to have his own band, and has written musicals that have played in London's West End; he's also apparently a fan of cheese. (Who doesn't like cheese?)
Simple well-wishes, pictures of happy birthday signs, sketches, whatever. Bring it on!

My email address is Send 'em there! If you have any questions or concerns or hate mail, please don't hesitate to contact me.

So let's do ourselves proud and let Arthur know how much we appreciate him and all of his hard work. :)

community, birthday, fan-created, !mod post, announcements, birthday project, arthur darvill, heads up post, !reminding you about______, !community: activities, your fandom needs you, stubble hnnnnng, team sexy needs you

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