Mod Post: Official Dreamwidth Back Up Comm

Apr 17, 2011 00:01

Given the recent troubles with LJ, we have decided it would be a good idea to give us an off-LJ back up.

Hopefully the recent DDOS attacks are a blip, and now they're resolved, things should run smoothly. But with Series 6 looming fast, we don't want to take any chances, especially for the episode watchalong and squee posts. :D

You can find the back up comm here: If you already have a Dreamwidth account, please feel free to join the comm.

If you don't already have a Dreamwidth account, and would like one for this, please comment telling us, and we'll help sort you out invite codes. If you have spare invite codes you'd like to share with the comm, please let us know.

We must stress that this community is going nowhere. We're not moving to Dreamwidth; this is purely a bolt hole if LJ goes wrong on episode airdates. And of course, only join us there if you want to!

If you're on Twitter, please follow us on there, as if LJ goes down, we'll put it out on Twitter that we're going to Dreamwidth for the night. If you don't have Twitter and LJ is down on an episode night, just head to Dreamwidth and there should be a post. :)

your international mod team at work, !mod post, announcements, !pimping: other comms

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