DW Research: The show runners and the fandom

Apr 10, 2011 21:11

 Hello guys. I was wondering if you could help me with the following for my essay.

Are there any significant quotes by The Moff/RTD about fandom or vise versa? That would help me to define the relationship.

I'm also looking for examples of fandom directly influencing Doctor Who's plot.  -  Blue Peter Love & Monsters competition. Fandom's love for Rose, beckoned her return?

Then there seem to be times when they try and provoke us/tease us - The Moff with his twitter account and various spoilers such as the significant character one in the first ep of series 6. RTD chose episode titles that he knew would cause crazy fan speculation -  'The Doctor's Daughter' 'The Next Doctor'

Then there's the fact that RTD and the Moff were both fans of the show as children - this could affect the show significantly. They want to bring old monsters back more, reference the old episodes etc. Do you think there is too much continuity now - for example in series 5 - for new fans to start watching?   
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