Oh. My. Goodness. I talked to Matt on the phone! I can now die happy.

Apr 08, 2011 23:16

I am beyond bummed I couldn’t go today or to the screening on Monday (and it’s my birthday too!) due to class/work. I’d have to miss about 10 classes if I went to both, along with missing the last 3 shows of the musical I’m costuming, strike, and 3 tech days of my one act I’m directing for class. When I realized that a plane ticket was far out of my budget, I took it as a sign that I wasn’t supposed to go. Anywho, my very good friend Amy, the one who first got my in to Who, lives just outside of New York, so she was able to go! She tried to get me a signed copy of the dvd, but they only allowed one, so she got me the graphic novel instead. And it’s signed by Team TARDIS! When she got to the signing table she called me and I was able to hear her talking to Matt, Karen, and I think I heard Arthur. Because I was unable to go I wrote a letter to Matt, explaining how much Who has changed my life, how amazing he is as the Doctor, and how the show still helps to pull me out of depression. I first started watching Who right after a nervous breakdown senior year of high school and it was one of the few things that I truly looked forward to and made me happy. I attempted to convey this along with some other things and when she gave it to him I heard him say the following: “oh cool! That’s so cool! I’ll be sure to read it! Oh man, that’s so cool! I can’t believe she wrote me a letter!” and then I heard Arthur talking (couldn’t make it out) and then Karen asking who to make the DVD out to. I know it may not seem like much but it was just so… EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Amy and I squeed for about 10 min before I ran back into class at which point my professor laughed at me. I regret nothing. It’s probably not that big of a deal, but still, knowing that Amy was that close and I heard Team TARDIS over the phone is just so amazing. It’s something I will probably remember for the rest of my life. My roommates all tease me that if I were to meet 99% of the celebrity population my demeanor wouldn’t change but that one percent would quite possibly cause me to pass out. And considering how fangirlish I was with just a phone line in, they probably would have had to call the paramedics. Another thing that surprised me (but shouldn’t) was how much Matt said the word “cool” he says it all the time in interviews but hearing it IRL just made me realize how “real” he is. I’ll post a photo of the graphic novel (that I didn’t even know existed!) when she comes down in two weeks and I'll let you now if he ever writes back.
Anyone else have epic squee stories from the signing today?

is this real life?, i can't even, matt smith's voice is made of sex, pervy team tardis fanciers brigade

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