Apr 03, 2011 14:36
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series 6, all your logic are belong to moffat, river song, insider info, tardis, brot3, tagsplosion, brb vomiting rainbows, amy pond, alex kingston's hair is amazing, tweed too: geek control, all hail the moff, why so gorgeous karen?, matt in the hat, rory williams, creepy liek whoah, why so hbic river?, squee, arthur darvill, team sexy, moff you big troll i love you, shit just got real, why so sexy arthur?, capslock, bbca need to show some respect, moffat what have you done?, i wear a stetson now, bringing the love, our time has come!, youtube love, karen's hair is to die for, fangasm squee, fandom will never sleep again, matt smith, fandom will implode, fangasm, legs eleven, moff is stealing your nightmares, mr and mrs pond, what are you planning moff?, moff, speculation, why so pretty matthew?, video, karen gillan, future's so bright gotta wear shades, unexpected!sexiness, alex kingston