Title of the Neil Gaiman episode revealed...

Mar 28, 2011 17:26

SFX can exclusively reveal the title of the Series 6 episode penned by Neil Gaiman. Click here to find out!

Waiting for fandom implosion in 3, 2, 1....

series 6, neil gaiman feels like god, fandom will never sleep again, neil gaiman, spoilers

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bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:32:29 UTC
As I said to the Willows on Twitter I don't believe it for several reasons.

1: I wouldn't put it past Moff to leak a fake title just to watch us all weep. I know I would.


2: It's been almost proved that River is....that. So unless the Doctor is being a very naughty boy. I don't believe it.


knightless March 28 2011, 16:34:46 UTC
Re: 2

Well, he did marry Marilyn that one time...


bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:35:56 UTC
It might not have been a real chapel though. As the Doctor himself pointed out.

Not sure if that counts.

Elizabeth I on the other hand.


ragdoll March 28 2011, 16:35:19 UTC
It's been rumoured to be just that via spoilers for a while from some reliable sources so yeah, either it's an elaborate foiler courtesy Unca Neil and the Moff (which I wouldn't put past either of them) OR it's the real deal.

Remember one of the lines in the Big Brilliant Book was that the Doctor would do this twice. One happened in A Christmas Carol. There's a second to go. And who's to say it *isn't* River?


bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:40:40 UTC
Gaiman would do it if Moff asked him,

It's been almos conclusivily proved it's River though


ragdoll March 28 2011, 16:43:07 UTC
Well, as far as we know River is one. We don't know how many others there are. Or if she's somehow connected to this story via the one before it or something that comes afer it.


bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:45:18 UTC
What I'm more interested in is Neil saying we will see someone in his ep we haven't seen since the War Games.

Which to my mind can only be

A: Zoe

B: The War Chief


ragdoll March 28 2011, 16:50:48 UTC
I doubt it's Zoe, although it's possible given that Wendy Padbury is a personal friend of Matt's, having been his agent at one time (she had only the nicest things to say about him at Gallifrey One last year). So maybe it is the War Chief. I haven't ever seen that story so know little about it.


bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:53:17 UTC
War Chief was another renegade Time Lord who was forced to regenerate at the end of the seriel. He worked with some aliens to kidnap soliders from throughout history with basic TARDIS (SIDRATS) and forced them to fight.

It would be interesting to see him again


ragdoll March 28 2011, 17:09:13 UTC
Okay, right, him. I sort of know my pre-Three Classic Who history, but I haven't gotten to see many stories with One and Two (mainly because when they were airing in New York, many years ago, I was working at a job with a crazy schedule and almost never managed to see them.)


bardingtide March 28 2011, 17:20:40 UTC
He was certainly an interesting character.

I wouldn't mind seeing him again


azarsuerte March 28 2011, 18:20:27 UTC
Also, Zoe *has* been seen since "The War Games." She was briefly in "The Five Doctors."


manatees March 28 2011, 16:36:04 UTC
But this is Neil who has revealed the episode title! Also, it reeeally hasn't been proved that River is his wife, and Alex is not in that episode.


bardingtide March 28 2011, 16:42:05 UTC
This is Neil Gaiman we're talking about.

I'm reasonably certain that if Moff asked him to leak a fake ep title he'd go along with it.

Oh come on. It's been all but proven River is his Wife.

Look at the end of the Big Bang.

"Are you married River?"


"Hang on. Are you saying No cause you aren't or cause you think I'm asking."


"Is that Yes you aren't or yes you think I'm asking."



weavercat March 28 2011, 16:58:00 UTC
Maybe it's a younger River (being played by a different actress) we'll see?


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