So today was FACTS in Belgium (it's also tomorrow but I can't go then sadly enough) and it's a convention for sci-fi, anime, manga, ... basically, it's NY comic con but a bit smaller and in Belgium. I cosplay every year, always something different (I was V from V for Vendetta last year for example) but this year, I went all out. I went to a seamstress to ask her if she could make me a dress, she could so she did. The dress came from an online design which I'm sure you all know:
she managed to replicate it pretty well considering she only had pictures to work with. I do love the artist with heart and soul so if you're the artist and you're seeing this post, I love your work and appreciate what you do but Belgium is a distant, unknown to Doctor Who country and I only decided on it a month before. So the seamstress made it actually in somewhat 3 weeks, it took her another 2 to find the right fabric so basically she did it in 1 week...and only charged me for the fabric and nothing else. yay!
Anyway, enough talking, have some pictures instead!
yes I found 11's sonic screwdriver there at the con and am posing with it. Expect more pictures in the future...
this is by far my favorite picture of the ENTIRE day. I swear. I stole the glasses from another cosplayer who was a psycho doctor or something. Nothing Who!related but I just wanted to try them on and have a picture...