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halfapint August 25 2010, 22:54:41 UTC
EEEEE. This is actually porn, man. Don't cross it out. There's no denying it. I feel like I'm watching the TARDIS version of Top Gear. XD

I get so ridiculously excited whenever I see One's, Two's and Five's interiors. XD Should I be worried? Also - SECONDARY CONTROL ROOM! WARDROBE ROOM! Bonus!Turlough! Yum.

Not any chance we can get the few bedrooms we saw, is there? 8D Or I can try to find them myself and spam, if that's allowed... *feels like a busybody*


the_willows August 25 2010, 22:58:36 UTC
I came up lacking in quality shots of other rooms, but good lord, yes, feel free to spam any and all pictures you can find, it' all about the sharing! ♥


halfapint August 25 2010, 23:37:08 UTC
Quality is debatable, unfortunately, but I shall do my best. 8D

... )


kellwho August 26 2010, 00:19:50 UTC
I want Amy to get lost on the TARDIS and discover something nifty. Thanks for all the links!


starlessxlove August 26 2010, 00:28:50 UTC
klasjdas thank you for this.


apple_pathways August 26 2010, 01:06:30 UTC
Thanks for all the bonus TARDIS content! I'm so jealous of all the extra bits they showed in previous series. They had bedrooms! And a weird floaty chamber! And a giant eye-thing in a dry wading pool!

That's it! I want more TARDIS next series!


sharkshark August 26 2010, 05:31:31 UTC
I loved the bedrooms in the old series, especially when Turlough went into Adric's room and was all "This looks like a child's room." and Tegan was all "STFU HE'S DEAD"


manatees August 26 2010, 14:35:01 UTC
Awww, loving the bedrooms. I want Amy's bedroom to be like her bedroom in Leadworth, but then it's presumably different now she must share with Mr Pond :D It'd be nice to see Rory's room, with his stuff and personality influencing it.


sharkshark August 26 2010, 05:29:54 UTC
I feel like I'm watching the TARDIS version of Top Gear
Oh god, want. WANT. SO MUCH WANT.


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