(Belated) Official Friday Picspam

Aug 22, 2010 20:01

Yes, I know, it's horribly late. Like a week and a bit. It's the summer holidays, I have kids on my ear hole all day, and keep getting asked to cover holidays at work. Anyway, that's by the by, tl;dr, I basically have no restraint and always end up choosing too many pictures, which I then have to run through photoshop to resize, recolour and relight, and on occasion, compile into huge expanses of pretty (yes, your dialups will not thank me today).

So, on with the picspam! Today's offering continues our look back at the confidentials, and this time we're up to Eyes Wide Open, for Episode 4:

"Wow, the TARDIS never had one of those before..."

"OHAI, River, get in the TARDIS, there's a draft..."

"No, it's my sonic, I swear to Rassilon!"

It's a hard life, filming Doctor Who...

Spending all day falling over...

Who'd really want to be in their position?

Cross the line, Alex!

It's a tough job, but somebody has to...

No job satisfaction here whatsoever...

"...You know how to whistle, don't you, River? You just put your lips together..."

"According to the Kink Meme, Doctor, you like that sort of thing..."

"I did what? But that's physically impossible..."

"Besides which, I've never actually been to Raxicoricofallapatorious..."

They see me flyin'. They hatin'

"I hope River and I aren't related, that could get ~awkward..."

"I hope River and Amy aren't related either..."

"No, Amy, I am not scaling that cliff so you can check out my arse..."

"Why is everyone so obsessed with my arse?"

"Maybe River will scale the cliff so I can check out her arse..."

"Or Amy's arse. I could go for that as well..."

"Is River Song your pimp?"

"Don't be silly, Amy, everyone knows Captain Jack is my pimp..."

"Which reminds, me, bitch owes me money..."

"Oh, wait, I fixed him up with a new fella. WTF, self."

"No, honestly, Karen, I'm holding a torch..."

"I don't think she believed me about the torch..." *smirk*

"That's it, River, just a little to the left..."

"Oh that's definitely got it..."

"I shouldn't let the crew read the Kink Meme. I'll never look at Duct Tape in the same way again..."

"You honestly don't want to know where Danny's hands are right now..."

"...And then you just stand here with your thumbs tucked in your waistband, showing off your braces, Matt, and wait for the fangirls to explode..."

Matt studies hard in his 'Causing Fangasms 101' classes...

He does so well, they ask if he'll be photographed for the revised textbook...

Matt and Karen like to relax between shoots by hosting a pirate radio show...

"...I've never seen one up close before. They're quite enthusiastic around people. Luckily someone finally mananged to round it up. I think Matt was glad we haven't installed the webcam yet..."

Coming soon: The Complete Reference Guide to Drawing Interviewees. Posed by Matt Smith.

And talking of shots: don't forget the community birthday project for Matt and Karen. Details can be found here. :)

Credit: Caps all borrowed from mattsmithfan.net and karengillanfan.com. Reworked by yours truly.

Thanks to the sainted pineapple_sky , future picspams will contain other people, as all the confidentials have now been capped and made available at enchantedfleur . <3

.picspam friday, brainy spex, !reminding you about______, braces oh god, karen's hair is to die for, matt's epic hair, pervy eleven fanciers brigade, pervy amy fanciers brigade

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