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silvia_elisa August 10 2010, 11:02:27 UTC
You know, watching this for the first time AFTER S5, you start thinking that Moffat really does recycle his own ideas over and over again. Because Reinette meets him as a little girl, as does Amelia (and perhaps River, who knows), and then again when they're both older. BUT as he himself says, it seems that on a show that is about time-travelling, there's not a crazy amount of timey-wimeyness, as much as there could be ( ... )


the_willows August 10 2010, 11:22:13 UTC
Is it really considered OOC for Ten?

Well, according to a very devoted fan of his that I was debating this with on Twitter, apparently so. I don't see it myself.

And thanks! :D And it's not just the wimmins and humans, Eleven's been bromancing Silurians. ;) The Doctor just falls in love with everyone who clicks with his own sensibilities. ♥


silvia_elisa August 10 2010, 12:25:28 UTC
Maybe that's why he's always reprimanding Jack for all the flirting! He's thinking, At least I'm subtle about it! :D

I fail to believe that anything could be OOC for the Doctor. *nods*


owlsie August 10 2010, 12:29:07 UTC
>>And it's not just the wimmins and humans, Eleven's been bromancing Silurians.

and flirting with evil fish-women-vampire-thingies.
Maybe this is why River needs a Doctor-sized cage or whatever she was referring to in TBB.


silvia_elisa August 10 2010, 22:57:29 UTC
Maybe this is why River needs a Doctor-sized cage or whatever she was referring to in TBB.

He needs to be put under surveillance! :D


promethia_tenk August 10 2010, 12:35:26 UTC
it's a very unexpected and sad ending; truly, he's known her for 45 minutes only, as have we, and I still sniffed when he turned up too late
It's a weirdly . . . intellectual romance in a way. It almost works better if you take it as a philosophical musing on the Doctor's relationship to time and humans--mayfly lives and all that--because it is so, so fast. How do you connect to a character and believe a relationship like that in all of 45 minutes? It almost *has* to be a bit more abstract than real.

And yet . . . the Doctor really does fall in love that fast--not always in a romantic sense, but he's always, always falling in love with people he's just met, and they do all break his heart. So when Reinette dies at the end, yes, we really do feel it.


elisi August 10 2010, 13:13:35 UTC
And yet . . . the Doctor really does fall in love that fast--not always in a romantic sense, but he's always, always falling in love with people he's just met, and they do all break his heart.
This is why I mentioned the fanboy thing in my own comment, because the Doctor already knows Reinette - just like he knows Adelaide (to use the best example). Notice that he uses the word 'love' when talking to the latter. Not that he doesn't connect with 'ordinary' people (because he does, obviously), but with Reinette (and all the other famous people) there's an added dimension. The famous people he's known (about) for *centuries* and to burn through one of them so swiftly... No wonder Reinette's death hits him hard.

(Short related meta on the Doctor and famous people here.)


femaelstrom27 August 11 2010, 03:16:38 UTC
Is it really considered OOC for Ten?

Most of the people I've seen complain about it being "OOC" have been rabid Doctor/Rose fangirls who were aghast at the idea of the Doctor looking at anyone but Rose. A few of them actually genuinely hate Moffat for that reason. I do sail on the good ship Doctor/Rose, but, uh.....wow.

(Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about this, but that's been the basis for most of the hate I've seen for this episode.)


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