Mod post: Goodbye to totodiles

Aug 05, 2010 17:00

About a week ago, totodiles told the rest of the maintainers that she was leaving.
Some of you newer members might not recognize her because real life has been eating her free time for a while now.  She was one of the first people I chose when I was looking for mods so very long ago, and she has been a really great part of our team, but unfortunately, she is way too busy with school and work to continue with fandom.
We still love her very much, we're going to miss her like crazy, and if she ever finds the time, we will welcome her back here with open arms.

She has left this comm, but if you wanted to say goodbye to her, share a memory you have with her that makes you smile, express appreciation for an icon she made or whatever, you can do so here and I'll send her the link to this entry later so that she can look at it if she has the time.

!mod post

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