LATE Series 5 Retrospective Fest: Poll Time!

Jul 24, 2010 00:46

So, I suck, and forgot to post this much earlier. Since I fail and posted this much later than planned, I have shifted all the times halfway into Sunday, so the poll has options ranging from 6 pm on Saturday to 10 pm on Sunday in case you all need time to get ready for this.
As usual, all times are in London time.
Also, the Doctor Who Proms are this weekend, so I removed the option of 8 pm Saturday from the poll to allow for the Saturday Prom listenalong.

As I said before, episodes get removed from subsequent polls after we watch them, so this week's poll lacks The Eleventh Hour and whatever we watch this week will not be in the next poll if it's applicable, by which I mean for Rory Week and River Week, the poll will only have Rory episodes or River episodes, which is also something to keep in mind while voting. Especially since River is only in 4 episodes.

That said, vote away, sorry for my fail, and hopefully see you at the watchalong.

EDIT: Apparently I also fail at typing, and am on a very casual first-name nickname basis with Vincent van Gogh.

!community: activities, amy pond, series 5 retrospective fest, karen gillan, poll

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