Clever title based on a season 5 quote goes here.

Jul 12, 2010 02:35

Hey there!

I just joined the comm and wanted to pop in and say hello, mods, I hope that's ok. I heard about this place from a post on fandomsecrets today and had to visit :O

I've adored Doctor Who since 2007 - my sister talked me into watching "Rose" one day, and I proceeded to watch all 3 seasons in about 3 weeks. I've always lurked around the edges of fandom, and I've loved every Doctor and every companion, but there was something about Matt and Karen and Arthur and this brilliant past season that made me want to dive in and participate more. I just don't even have words for my love for that Team TARDIS. (No, seriously, is it Christmas yet?)

I look forward to getting to know you fine folks! May there be much squee in our future!

That's about it. To make this post somewhat less dull:

(All credit and glory to TheEndXTypeANIME at Deviantart.)


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