Series Five, Week Eight: The Speculations and Questions Post

May 22, 2010 21:06


Since I failed so spectacularly last week in not posting this--I blame it on the awesome mindfuck that was Amy's Choice--here we go with this week's speculation-o-rama.

Be warned, spoilers for the series will abound here, and I might as well go ahead and say that there will be a major spoiler for next week that probably will get discussed. A lot. Just sayin'.

1. So poor Elliot gets taken too. Good lord I hope they don't strap him to a table like Dad and Amy for Dr. Mengele there to have a go at him. :/
2. Alaya says she knows which one of the three left at the church--Ambrose, Rory, and Tony--will kill her. My money's on Tony since he got tongue-smacked and is having a bit of a skin issue right now. (And did anyone else besides me squee or feel proud when Rory said "We're going to keep you safe"?)
3. The placement of Amy's engagement ring--Rory takes it back to the TARDIS (I so called that over on GB, score one point for me!) and puts it back in the box, placing the box on the console. Anyone think that's going to become important later, the exact placement of it? It looked like it was in some sort of device ... either it's right there so it will be the first thing the Doctor sees upon coming back in the TARDIS at the end of episode 9, or it's going to become important around, oh, say episode 12.
5. Some people who are In The Know over at Gallifrey Base, we see Future Doctor in this episode--he's the one who says the line about hope to Ambrose after Elliot disappears. However, that makes absolutely no bloody sense to me because when the Doctor came running up on Tony and Ambrose, Rory was with him. ???
4. Also according to some spoiler hound, we have to pay attention to a lot of the dialogue at the start of the episode, as it all either pertains to or will have a lot more meaning in the finale. I can only guess they're talking about the scene with Future Amy and Rory. Speaking of which:

So what do you guys think? Actual nostalgia trip like the Doctor said? Attempted warning by Future Amy and Rory? Or, more like a reassurance to them that everything works out fine, especially given what happens next week? Important dialogue mentioned above: "Did you not see over there? It all works out fine."

Maybe the Doctor will have to remember what he saw, later. I still think he was being awfully blase about seeing a future Amy and Rory in the first place. And if they were just popping by to relive past glories, surely they know what's going to happen here, and they'd want to stay the hell away from Dodge?

But most importantly--how can a future Rory be there at all? (Or at least, the Doctor might wonder so in about two weeks.)

I have my own thoughts on what Future Rory and Amy are doing, but it'll have to wait until the finale to see if it pans out; but I'll still be interested to see if I'm right or wrong.

!community: activities, speculation, .speculation saturday, the hungry earth, spoilers, discussion, initial reactions

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