Series 5, Week Four: The Speculation and Questions Post

Apr 24, 2010 20:24

The OH F--- WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE Edition!

Do you have any questions, ruminations, speculations, and ponderations on The Time of Angels? Post them here!

What I've got so far ... )

!community: activities, speculation, .speculation saturday, the time of angels, spoilers, discussion

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cupcakery April 25 2010, 01:46:04 UTC
2. I like Amy being clever. A companion who can save herself rather than going Oh noes! Doctor! I liked how she closed one eye at a time - v. smart.
3. I saw the angel in Amy's eyes too. I wonder if the way to stop the angels is to trap them in one person.

I want to know how much Bishop knows about the TARDIS, because obviously River told him, but how much? And River is totally the Heinrich Schliemann of space.


eclecticmuse April 25 2010, 03:01:37 UTC
I am sort of wondering if the other problem the Doctor will faces is the Clerics? He offended Octavian rather badly ...


cupcakery April 25 2010, 03:37:56 UTC
Especially since they seem to have "hired" River for whatever the mission is - we just know about the Byzantium crash and they want to find the Weeping Angel. I don't think it was ever actually stated what for, though.


eclecticmuse April 26 2010, 02:54:42 UTC
Yeah, and I don't think the Byzantium was supposed to crash. :/

As far as I know, River got special permission to leave prison because she was the only one who could identify the Angel (with the help of the Doctor). So it looks like she's in the employ of the Clerics, which could potentially suck?


ladyfox7oaks April 25 2010, 04:11:09 UTC
YEah, the idea of the Church going full military TERRIFIES ME more than the Angels...


eclecticmuse April 26 2010, 02:51:53 UTC
Yeah, especially if they really do have the power of the divine on their side. Yikes. D:


ladyfox7oaks April 26 2010, 02:54:04 UTC
They've got the power of SOMETHING on their side... I don't know that it's Divine.


eclecticmuse April 26 2010, 02:58:42 UTC
Ahahahaha ... lots of firepower? A galactic Satan? Eurgh who knows.


ladyfox7oaks April 26 2010, 02:59:32 UTC
The Doctor's already been to Hell once...


misshaunted April 26 2010, 09:08:47 UTC
Hmm, I might be mistaken - but when I was watching the FaS trailer, I thought I saw another clip of the 'flashies' who were with River at the beginning of the ep. In their tuxedos with their smug smiles and guns. I kind of wonder if these guys are 'the other bad guys'. After all ... they had the Weeping Angel in their ship, didn't they? They happened to crash it into an Army of angels - maybe they were ... possessed? by the last angel into going there and crashing it. Well, not possessed, but like with Amy, she was made to believe something (her hand of stone) after looking into the eyes of an angel. Perhaps the same happened to Captain Flash and his guards ...


lady_with_cats April 25 2010, 09:21:33 UTC
Schliemannnnn!! *shakes Tennant-esque fist* My Ancient History class had such fun times trying to sort through his messes! XP LOL, River does seem a little bounty-hunter.


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