Series 5, Week Four: The Speculation and Questions Post

Apr 24, 2010 20:24

The OH F--- WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE Edition!

Do you have any questions, ruminations, speculations, and ponderations on The Time of Angels? Post them here!

1. What the hell is going on with Amy and the dust in her eye? We know her hand was an illusion. Was the dust a hallucination as well? Has she been infected by the Angels?
2. I already read some people on GB complaining about Amy being "too clever" again, over pausing the Angel video during a second of static. What do you guys think?
3. So there's the whole thing with "whatever shows an image of an angel is therefore an angel." Did I see reflections of an angel's face in Amy's eyes in the Flesh and Stone preview? This has the potentiality to suck really bad for Amy ...
4. I'll probably catch this better on a rewatch, but what was up with Angel Bob? Was it the angels speaking to the Doctor using Bob's voice? Or was it that when Bob died a part of his consciousness remained and was trying to help the Doctor? I was a little confused by that.
5. Do you guys think Amy is being set up for a massive disillusionment concerning the Doctor? This partially stems from the clip from FaS where Amy has her eyes closed and the Doctor is saying "you need to trust me" and Amy said "but you never tell me the truth".
6. A spoiler-free review for Flesh and Stone suggests that the Weeping Angels might not be our heroes' only problem. What could they possibly be referring to?

I'm probably forgetting some stuff but I'm sure everyone else will pick up my slack. :)

Oh, and those damn angels look like freaking zombies. DO NOT WANT.

And go--discuss away!

!community: activities, speculation, .speculation saturday, the time of angels, spoilers, discussion

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