Apr 02, 2010 05:19

The layout has been changed over and we have a winner.

I'm going to award a runners up as well because, I'm nice like that and these two people were pretty close to each other in getting it. And also the runner up was the first to notice that the header actually changes. :)


Runner up:

Congratulations to you both! And a big thank you to everyone else who has/is emailing in. You guys make us feel awesome!

melita-r, we'll get in contact with you shortly to arrange your prize, and once we've worked that out, we'll work out what we're going to do for primeverse since we weren't intending on a runner up. But it's all good, we will figure something out. :)

For anyone interested, there are currently 6 different headers all set to randomly show a different one each time the page is loaded. :)


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