Matt on the Chris Moyles Radio Show

Mar 29, 2010 12:11

Matt was on the Chris Moyle show on the radio this morning in the UK. It was lovely! You can listen to it on the iPlayer here, at 1 hour 50 minutes in and it's about 10 minutes long.

Chris Moyles Show on BBC iPlayer

Matt: I wasn't closely associated with it [the show] as a kid, because it wasn't on the TV, because they took it off, because they're silly!

Matt: She's [his mother] now convinced I should be James Bond, but I dunno, I'm not pretty enough.

Chris Moyles being personally offended when Chris Eccleston left the show, and his ensuing bit about WHO THE HELL IS DAVID TENNANT HE'LL BE RUBBISH vs. WHO THE HELL IS MATT SMITH HE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE DAVID TENNANT HE'LL BE RUBBISH

Chris: There will be some negative points too. I would imagine you've probably met John Barrowman?
Matt: LMAO

Matt: What's Wisteria Lane?

Matt getting excited about football and saying he'd play on a BBC charity team if he was ever asked.

Matt's constant use of "yeah yeah yeah"

And closing with:

Chris: We like him, he's nice.


ETA: Matt and Karen on Good Morning Ulster
2 hours, 21 minutes in. "The TARDIS dance!" "Star Trek acting!" Matt keeps loving on The Mighty Trout. I love it. And the lady host keeps calling Karen 'Amy'.

broadcast news, radio, karen gillan, matt smith, the doctor is in, interviews

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