fortune cookie says: your place in life is in the drivers seat

Sep 09, 2004 22:57

you and me. we are single handedly going to free tibet. says:

i will be dark out and there every light in sight is glowing BRIGHT RED and you will be like eh fuck it im DRIVING and im going to disregard these pansy fucking christmas lights

and i ride co pilot like uh

red means stop

and your like dammit we can do this

fuck the government

they dont know shit im doing this

and i sit copilot clutching the driving music racking my brain for the right music

then your like yeahueahyeah I FOUGHT THE LAW YOUR STOPLIGHTS AINT SHIT

and it turns green and you like me and the stop light had a little conversation there

andim just like i know you did i know you did

this is serious

told like ithappened

your place in life is truely in the drivers seat
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