(no subject)

Mar 07, 2007 01:44

I'm pretty pissed right now. I ate too big a lunch (and too much food in general, ulgh) and came home from work angry for reasons I won't get into. I took an absurdly long walk down into Kent, then made dinner and watched more episodes of Battlestar Galactica than I meant to. Damn, that show is amazing.

Now, of course, my asshole neighbor downstairs is verbally abusing someone he lives with, screaming obscenities, and slamming doors, as he has been since about 10PM. He does this 2-4 times a week, either at night until around 2PM or occasionally in the morning starting at around 6AM. It is frequently loud enough to wake me up/keep me up, and besides the sheer noise level it's quite emotionally unpleasant.

I banged on the floor tonight, the first time I've done so. There was a pause, and then: "F*** you."

I have already called the cops on him on three occasions, and the novelty is wearing off. I keep forgetting to mention it to the main office, which I ought to do. I'm not sure I'd be responsibly getting more sleep if he weren't doing this, but I'm damn sure there's no point in trying as things stand.

However, the evening was not a total loss. The walk was good, the BSG was great, and my cat did something awesome.

See, I'd lost the USB cable for my new(ish) digital camera without ever having used it, not realizing that it is shaped differently than standard-issue USB on the camera end, making any other USB cable useless for the task. Thus, my Geneva pictures (working on a report! I swear!) have been stranded on the camera. I was pretty sure the cable was somewhere in my apartment but equally sure that I had had it in Geneva, and I was starting to despair.

During an epside of BSG, Magellan came trotting up with something in his mouth, as if bringing a mouse home to train kittens. He dropped it at my feet.

The camera cable. He found my camera cable and brought it to me.

And I still don't know where the hell it was.
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