[Look who's got a message for the rest of you! Only it's not really a message and it's not really meant for anyone. Connected journal system? What's that! Speaking or Writing? Malkus isn't exactly a dictionary at the moment!]
Cut for silly amnesia doodles... )
[Screw this. Xanth can't write that much, that well, or that fast, so he switches into audio.]
M-Malkus, li-lis-- listen to me. It-- it's okay, you, y-you're okay. Don't-- don't panic, just, t-take a second. B--Breathe.
B-But I died. I-I'm certain o-of it. The plants- I-I was sick and the plants- m-my leg...
[He reaches down to feel his shin, trying to feel whatever disgusting vines and shoots were present. It's as if none of that ever even happened to him.]
A-And now I'm here, awake, in my room- when I shouldn't be a-alive...
I-I know it's-- it's s-scary, but, you're... y-you're alright.
[Or so Xanth hopes. Holloway's Keep could work entirely differently for all he knows - but if it continues to be like the Elegante, then Malkus should be just fine.
Physically, at least.]
[His breathing calms back down to a wobbling half-sob. Still a bit shaken up by his death.]
What kind of place prevents such an inevitability...
B-But that... d-doesn't... m-make it any e--easier.
[He rubs his cheek, staring down at the floor.]
C-Can I... I-I don't know-- g-- get you s-something? Um. F-Food, n-- new clothes, a-- anything?
[He likes you already, Malkus. You remind him just a little bit of himself.]
W-Water...Perhaps.. I-If it wouldn't be too much trouble.
U-Uh, wait, um. Which-- w-which room is y--yours?
Twenty-one...Forty-two.. There's really no need if you are busy. I-I do not wish to be a disturbance...
[He hopes he sounds at least a little reassuring. God knows the first time he died, he needed all the reassurance he could get.
Xanth is there in roughly ten minutes, give or take. He knocks on the door with one hand, one cup of water held in his other hand while a second cup is carefully cradled between his arm and his body.]
O-Oh. Hello.
[Malkus takes a few steps back as he opens the door to his room. The inside of his room might seem a bit unusual to some. There are some jars full of what looks like water, while others are filled with various little pieces of foliage and grass. There's a tiny fish floating around inside of one, while possibly the most noticeable one is a large jar of little black slug like things. Are those leeches?
Why yes. They are. The doctor's collection is pretty wimpy right now but there are plans to change that.]
Th-Thank you for coming..
[Unusual and just a little creepy. Then again, Xanth isn't terribly surprised - Malkus is wearing a bird mask, after all.
After he's stepped inside, Xanth finds a desk or some surface to put the cups down on. (Oh god, leeches.)]
I-I, um, I-- I hope th-that's enough?
[He nods his head into more of a bowing gesture and silently takes a cup.]
Very much appreciated.
[The doctor sits back down at the foot of his bed, lifting his mask just slightly. Enough to take a few sips before pulling it back over his face. He doesn't say much, but that's really because he's just not very used to company in his room.]
[His smile turns to a frown.]
I-I, um, I've... b-been in your p-place before. It's... it's n--not easy.
You've... You've died as well?
[For a moment, a thought that is quickly stomped out flares up. "Oh! Good! You died too!". What kind of thing is that to think?! Malkus chooses his words a bit more carefully than THAT.]
H-How? I- Er I mean you needn't share it if it's rather disturbing. I just hadn't really considered the idea of me not being the only one to meet such a fate...
D-Don't worry. I-It was a... a-a long t-time ago.
[The smile slips from his face as he remembers. His right hand idly drifts up to scratch at the very center of his chest.]
I-I, uh. A--About a y-- a year ago, I-I guess, I... I-I got sh--shot. I-I think it was f-from, um, a-- a big-- b-big gun, b-but I'm, I-I don't-- r-really-- know.
A-All I remember i-is, I-I was-- I was in this th-theater, a-and there were p-people a-all around, a-and this-- this l-little girl h-holding onto m--my shirt. The... th-the roof s-started c-coming down, o-or something, and then... I-I got h-hit.
[As Xanth speaks, he stops looking at anything in particular and stares off into space. When he finishes, he swallows hard, clenches his shirt, and his gaze falls.]
A-And I... I-I died.
That was here? A-At this keep? Or-... Elsewhere?
[Malkus is going a bit pale as he visualizes the story, going just as silent for awhile.]
I-I'm very sorry to hear that.
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