With a fresh cup of tea in hand, the Doctor wandered back into the Academy lab singing some sort of Venusian song under his breath. Now that the students were back in their dorms for the rest of the evening (hopefully), the teachers had gone home or retired to their own sleeping quarters, he could make more of an attempt at getting work done.
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But this wasn't his school. If it weren't for his own gnawing curiosity, he might have avoided this place entirely. But he'd stumbled on a little mystery, and life in Sunnydale had taught Giles never to ignore little mysteries.
He'd managed to get his hands on a map. He'd been carefully navigating the halls of the Academy, alone with his nerves, on the alert for any sign of life. Finally, however, Giles looked up to see that he'd reached his destination.
The science lab.
He knocked on the door.
But he'd never met this man before.
"Are you lost?"
Giles shakes his head, still feeling ridiculously out of place. But he'd done it, he was here, and there was no going back without making an even bigger idiot of himself at best, or being arrested for suspicious behavior at worst. He knew this, and so hastened to explain.
"Sorry. Um...this is probably going to sound very strange, and more than a little pretentious, but I need a favor. This is the, um, science lab, yes?"
What a peculiar man. The Doctor leaned against the door way, noticing just how nervous this man looked. He took pitty on the man and smiled a little.
"Is there anything I could help you with?"
"I...well, I'd like to know if there's any way to figure out what this is, exactly. What's it's made of, and if there's any possibility of reconstructing it. I didn't really see how I could puzzle out any of that without some science equipment." He shrugged helplessly. "Sorry to bother you, but I think this could be very helpful for my home if I could just figure out what it was."
The Doctor turned away and walked to his bench, placing the bottle on some spare space and began to collect his analytical things, "what did you say your name was?" He began to washing, rinsing and cleansing of his instruments as he turned back to the man, still at the doorway.
This was as much of a welcoming gesture as the stranger was going to get. It's not that the Doctor is intentionally rude it's just that...well...science is more important.
He could see a bit of himself in the way the Doctor behaved. It was the Doctor's space, with the Doctor's tools, and the Doctor's area of expertise. Giles knew that he would have behaved the same, had it been his library.
"My name is Rupert Giles. Thank you again for this, sir." He came a bit further into the lab and leaned against an empty patch of wall, watching the Doctor work.
The only problem with finding out what was in things is making sure that everything else doesn't get contaminated.
Once the instruments were cleaned, he moved to shut the door and clear more space on his bench to work. He began setting up when he felt Guiles move beside him. "Without touching anything else, or dropping the sample, I want you to place a few drops in each dish for me," the Doctor said, becoming more consumed in the task.
It was a lot like preparing an especially fiddly mystic ritual. If he thought about it like that, Giles realized that this whole thing was a little easier to manage.
Without touching anything else, and without dropping the sample, Giles carefully dripped a few drops into each of the indicated dishes. He was careful with the rationing - after all, he has no idea where to find Eric again when this bottle runs out.
"Right. Hand me the first one, please."
Once it's been safely passed over, Giles takes a step back, giving the Doctor some room while trying to give the impression that, yes, he is awaiting more orders.
Besides, he finds that he's curious. He wants a good look at whatever's going to happen.
Looking up, he rushes to the cupboards and selects a few chemicals. Back at the bench, he drops a few dropplettes into each dish and looks at each one in turn, completely unaware that Giles is still in the room.
After a moment of looking at each dish in turn a number of times, he pushes the microscope away and rests his chin on a fist with a sigh and a 'mmmmm' type sound.
"Did you find something?"
Giles sinks into his own thoughts, puzzling over what this might mean. So far, this strange substance was turning out to be much simpler than he'd first thought.
As is his habit, especially when he has an audience, he soons finds himself thinking out loud.
"In hindsight, the presence of human blood should have been obvious. But the other materials...the magnesium, the meat, the vegetables...living humans need such things, not vampires."
"So while your vampires may only pray on human blood, these vampires may eat human flesh as well to survive. Or they need extra minerals and vitamins," he gives Giles a lop sided grin, "or the makers of TruBlood are idiots."
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