OOC - The Origins of Monstrosity

Nov 21, 2012 21:38

I’ve roleplayed, written fanfic, and created original serial killers for many years. Sylar was not my first fandom serial killer. That title goes to Caleb, played by Nathan Fillion during the last 5 episodes of Buffy. I loved Caleb. He was a twisted, evil, son of a bitch. I enjoyed examining the fallen priest and how the First Evil got under his skin. I RPd and wrote over 100 fics for Caleb before I retired him. I played Caleb in a few comms where I freaked out the mods/players with my penchant for playing the dark side. I had a blast. Caleb was fun.

I thought about playing Dexter, but for some reason he didn’t do it for me. I think it might have been a problem with deciding a middle ground between book and TV canon. I read the book first, and while I loved the early seasons of the TV show, Dexter never became a muse for me. I gotta tell you that I wish he’d been my creation. I wouldn’t mind having Jeff Lindsey’s money.

Sylar got under my skin about the end of season 1 of Heroes. Unlike a lot of people I didn’t want to write/RP Sylar because Zach was beautiful. I wanted to understand Sylar. I wanted to know what shattered Gabriel Gray. I found a character that I got. Gabriel was never good enough. His mother never appreciated anything he did, and it wore him down. I have no idea how many fics I’ve written for Sylar and Gabriel. I’ve had this LJ for over 5 years, and I still RP him in many verses.

Now we come to Dr. Oliver Thredson, I knew that Zach would be playing a villain on AHS Asylum. Ryan said they’d be playing their opposites, and since Chad had been an innocent victim of the House, I knew that meant Oliver would be a bad guy. I was excited about the prospects. When I found out he was a psychiatrist, I was thrilled. If an evil priest was fun to play, an evil shrink would be incredible. I figured out he was Bloody Face between episode 3 and 4. All the clues pointed at him, and I was smug as hell during Anne Frank Part 2 when we found out that I was right.

I don’t like Oliver’s evil. I don’t like his motivation, and the more I find out about him, the less I like him. Oliver is bat shit crazy, and I don’t think he’s capable of a single human emotion. He’s broken. Sylar wanted love. He could love. Even Caleb was devoted to the First. But Oliver, other than being beautiful, is a sack of psycho shit. I don’t consider a pretty face a redeeming quality.

And I like my broken evil sons of bitches to have a chance for redemption. They don’t have to take it. Hell in most of my verses Sylar wouldn’t want it, and god knows Caleb wouldn’t. But they still have that spark inside of them that would allow it.

Oliver has no spark. He is dark as pitch to the very core. He is a soulless creature, and except for AU versions where he’s not quite as evil, I don’t think I’ll be able to RP him. Right now I know I’m reacting to what I saw on tonight’s episode “The Origins of Monstrosity”. What I saw made me want to throw up and curl into a ball. Which is what we’re meant to feel, by the way. We’re not supposed to want to fuck Oliver. We’re supposed to feel horrible for Lana, and we’re supposed to fear Oliver. I might not fear Oliver, but I am disgusted by him.

Congratulations Dr. Thredson - you are the most evil.

ooc - cult of rp, ooc - on being evil

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