Malaise Premises/Locations

Dec 15, 2008 22:40

Day Room --The Day Room is a large room within the Malaise compound that is designated for general use. It is only beaten in terms of size by the cafeteria.

The far wall is covered in windows (they only open six inches) which overlook the grounds, and the room itself is full of chairs, small tables and a few couches, as well as a good-sized TV.

Animal Therapy and Group Therapy are both held in this room.

This room is painted a soft sea foam green.

Night Room --The Night Room is as it's name implies; a room where patients come at night. The lights are low, but not too low to read by. There is also a small selection of books on-hand, as the Library itself is closed at this time of night.

Unlike the Nap Room, which is designated specifically for sleeping, the Night Room is outfitted so the more nocturnal patients can be comfortable. This means on top of the bookcases and less harsh lights, there are a number of couches and chairs. Essentially, it is a smaller version of the Day Room, but without the TV.

This room is painted a soft shade of royal blue.

Cafeteria --The Cafeteria is a popular location for logs, as both staff and patients have reason to be there every day.

It is presumeably the biggest room in the house, as it can happily hold the entire population of Malaise during meal times. The room itself is full of lots of seperate tables and chairs, and the kitchens run against one side. The view faces out on the Back Gardens.

This room is natural, light wood (think pine) with burgundy and a bright, spring green

Nap Room --The Nap Room is specifically for those who find themselves tired in the day and for whatever reason cannot use their own rooms.

As such, it is kitted out with very comfortable chairs and cots, with plenty of pillows and blankets. The lighting is quite low in this room to aid better sleep.

This room is painted periwinkle blue.

Corridors/Hallways --As with any large building, the corridors in Malaise House are many and expansive. As such, they are a popular place for patients or staff to run into eachother, and even a half-decent place to spend time in if the other rooms have no appeal.

The corridors themselves are wide and roomy so they can be traversed easily, but they also have a couple of sofas dotted around at odd intervals.

All hallways and the part of the building by the front desk are painted a light tan color.

Library --The library is surprisingly large for a facility, and has a wide variety of books. The walls have set in bookshelves, and there are tall bookcases in the wide space. There are a few tables scattered around, as well as soft chairs, for reading, but you have to be quiet!

The library is a well stocked resourse in Malaise, providing entertainment for patients and staff alike. There are a few tables and chairs dotted around, but on the whole it has the cozy feel a good library should.

Some of the books in the library are only available with permission from a member of staff. These are kept by the Librarian in the Restricted Section.

The current Librarian is Allen Walker.

This room is painted a soft royal purple.

Gym --The Gym is a very large room with wooden floors, basketball hoops, and bleachers. There are two rooms; a male locker room and a female locker room, both of which are carefully monitered so to keep people safe.

There is another room that leads to where the treadmills and other exercising equipment are, but you must have a staff person to go with you if you want to go in there, as it's padlocked to keep patients from getting in there.

This is also where all the sport events take place.

This room is white with rainbow stripes.

Art Room --The Art Room is used for art therapy and can be visited during free time. It has a plethora of materials, with canvas, brushes, paints, crayons, pastels, charcoal, paper, and so much more.

The Art Room is a popular choice of hang-out for the more creative types in Malaise House. It's one of the smaller communal rooms in the house, but the space is put to effective use.

This room is actually covered in the patients' artwork and is painted an odd green and blue checkered pattern.

Music Room --The Music room is a rather big room where patients can go to Musical therapy and learn how to play instruments, or play for fun if they already know how! This is monitered by staff so they do not try to hurt themselves with the instruments.

There is any kind of instrument you can think of. There's even a large piano for those who like to play beauitiful sounds!

This room is painted a mauve in color.

Outside Gardens --The Gardens out back are full of wonderful bushes of flowers and fruit, lots of different vegetable patches and many, many flower patches of almost any type of flower you could think up! (

This is also where the old hedge maze lies, but it needs some work, so patients are not allowed to go near it until it is fixed up. (

The front Gardens have lots of bushes, plants and even a koi pond in the middle with a fountain! (

If the patients do go outside, they must be accompanied by a staff member. This is where Horticultural therapy takes place!

Game Room --The Game room is next to the Day room, which isn't too far from the check-in desk. This room has many game consoles, including two Dance Dance Revolution machines! They are all hooked onto their own seperate TVs, but the cords are hidden in the walls and all of the controllers are wireless/cordless.

This is where patients can go to have some fun or to just hang out and have some snacks or something!

This room is a vibrant neon green.

Pool --The swimming pool at Malaise is in no way massive, but serves it's purpose well. It is used mostly for Aqua therapy, but because of it's connection to the Gym it is presumeably open during Exercise Time, too.

If requested by patients or staff, and if there are staff available, the pool is open during general Free Time as well.

Due to the nature of some of the patients staying at Malaise, the pool is heavily supervised.

This room is painted a sky blue.

Staff room --Commonly referred to as the coffee room, this is the place for staff members to take a seat, have a cup of coffee (or tea, or anything, really), and relax. Working in a care facility is hard work, and even the doctors have to rest sometime.

This room is a light brown in color.

Solitary --This is a wing most patients will never see, or even know about, in their lives. But occasionally, someone does something dangerous and/or harmful enough to land them here.

Patients who go into solitary spend a large chunk of time in the soft bouncy rooms, usually in a straitjacket, and are let out only when deemed safe enough. They are sometimes sedated, and have higher security.

These rooms are covered in white padding.

Infimiry --The Infirmary wing is equipped to take on minor to moderate medical issues; it has a few beds to keep patients in for observation if they are particularly ill or hurt, and has all the regular supplies for patching people up.

For more serious medical issues, patients get taken to the hospital in the nearby town.

This room is a dark sand color.

Nurse's Station --The Nurses Station is the basepoint for nurse activity, and is situated near one of the main entrances. Here the nurses are given assignments and supplies, and it can also act as a port-of-call for patients after assistance. Cold-weather clothing is also kept here.

Ashley Graham is currently Head Nurse.

This room is a beige color.

Security Station --The Security Station is the base point for the Security team. It includes the Surveillance facilities (for monitoring the CCTV cameras) and their supplies. There currently is no head of security.

Security team also has nifty palm pilots ( to get them on the scene as quick as possible. They also have fancy uniforms, phones (your choice), and tranq guns.

This room is a dark russet color.

Bathrooms --The bathrooms are at the end of the living quarters for patients. Each gender has their own bathroom. Bathroom stalls cannot be locked, and the showers are public. Meaning, there is nothing to hide you as you wash.

There's no such thing as 'no peeking' in these showers, which sucks for the shy types.

This is an off-white in color.

Patient Dorms --There are two sections: one for males, the other for females. Male rooms are odd-numbered, females even. Four people are allowed to room together in a good sized room with four beds, a few desks which have two laptops each (they are screwed into the desk so the patients can't harm themselves with them), four dressers for each patient's things/clothes and two windows.

The Dorms are where the patients go to sleep, keep their things, and generally will spend a considerable amount of time in. Patients are assigned rooms as soon as they are diagnosed, and share a room with up to four people; usually these four people will not change over the course of the patient's stay.

It is expected for the patients to try to keep their dorm room tidy.

The patient rooms all vary in color! (I'll let you all decide what colors you want, so have fun with this!)

Staff Dorms/Residency --Each staff member gets his or her own living space, separate from the patients. In an emergency, some patients may speak to their doctors or therapists in here.

As would be expected, the staff have considerably more private living quarters than the patients. Normal staff members have an en-suite room with a bed, desk, storage spaces (dressers), a stove, cabinets, etc.

Doctors, Therapists, and the Headmaster also have an attached office, which contains a desk and chairs, and whatever else they wish to include. Check-ups and One-on-One therapies take place in these offices, and patients are able to come to these offices if they have a problem outside of these times.

The staff rooms also vary in color! (I'll let you all decide what colors you want, so have fun with this!)
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