Modly News

Aug 19, 2008 23:45

Alrighty, folks. Takemod here with a few things myself and Dajamod have noticed that we feel need to be addressed.

First thing is our level of activity. The idea of the previous two Plot Discussion posts was to get things rolling, to get people involved more and plot out ideas with other characters to keep this place booming. We got a lot of discussion, sure, but it looks like a good majority of ideas that form in those posts seem to never get started and die out. Browsing through the threads there are a lot of really good ideas, but it's sad to see that we rarely see any of them start up. Take's guilty of this too :(

Characters who used to be extremely active, chatting up pages of comments in their journals and getting to know a lot of other characters, are now surprised if they get any comments at all. New people who have started playing aren't being included in discussion and their character journals get ignored. And it's especially bad for the lesser popular characters - something you see in every RP, sadly, but that doesn't mean it's not a problem.

Basically, it seems like this slump our RP has hit since recent events isn't going to recover any time soon. So this is where we need your help, folks. We want to strongly encourage as many people as we can to participate in character journals, open logs, anything and everything to help bring this roleplay out of it's depression (lol pun). We are extremely thankful for the people who do get their characters to comment on other journals, all of you folks get a gold star~

Seriously. Put it in your character profiles or something. You folks are awesome.

While on the subject of activity, note that there will be an Activity Check very soon, most likely when Take gets back from contiem - that gives you a week's notice, yo. At the moment I have made a list of the current journals that I haven't seen squat from in at least a month (approximately 4 Malaise!days), so if you're reading this and you haven't done anything with your characters, it'd be a good idea to post a journal entry if you still want to remain in this roleplay. People who have posted to the Hiatus/Drop entry are excluded.

One thing that will hopefully help the activity slump is another event. The broken heating at least got people talking, and the Spring Fling dance was excellent! But sadly us modlyfolks are a bit of fail at thinking up some ideas that'll get everybody excited, so this is where we need your help, Malaise.

What event ideas do you think your characters would enjoy? Or if not enjoy, then complain about?
Currently we have a character mixup-interaction, where characters sign up and are chosen at random to roleplay with another character they've never or rarely talked to before. We'd like to do that one sometime soon, but we could really use any idea that anyone has! Sports, a cook-off, technical problems, spontaneous volcanic eruptions, anything. We're that desperate.

Comment here with any event suggestions! Providing they fit within the AU/Russia/mental asylum parameters, of course. No orgies and no alien invasions . . . and I guess no volcanoes either.

On a final note, Malaise still needs a Headmaster and there is currently one open Doctor position. Again we're not promoting any current staff member to the Headmaster position, but if there's anyone with an open character slot who is willing to be active enough with the mods and the roleplay, we'd really like to hear from you. And any current interns who would like a fulltime doctor position is welcomed. So please comment if you're interested!

I think that's everything for now, folks. Many thanks in advance for your cooperation <3

EDIT (At 8/23/08): hey guys, dajamod here~ these ideas are all great so far and i just figured that i'd let you all know that i was making a big list in microsoft word and so far, there's quite a few ideas! if you guys have anymore, keep them coming! ♥
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