Summer Movie Recap...

Sep 05, 2007 22:41

Labor Day has come and gone. Summer is now over.

Let the crappy movies of autumn wash over us, as we look back at the cinema of summer, one last time.

Movies That I'm Signed Up For: Well, I only saw three of the seven. Spider-Man 3 - Meh, Shrek 3 - Meh, as well, and Transformers - the best pop corn movie, that I saw (NOTICE: I used the phrase "that I saw."). I am disappointed that I did not see Ratatouille, Ocean's Thirteen, and - especially - The Bourne Ultimatum. However, missing Pirates 3? I do not really care.

Movies That I'm Unsure About, But Will Probably End Up Seeing: The only one of this batch that I managed to see was The Simpsons' Movie - Not bad. I'm bummed that I did not find time to get around to 28 Weeks Later and Live Free or Die Hard (Really? Who saw those reviews coming? Anyone? That is what I thought). However, like Pirates 3, I do not care that I skipped The Invasion.

Picture That I Will Be Forced to See, For Whatever Reason: I did not see Hostel: Part II and I am glad that I was wrong on this one.

Biggest Bomb of the Summer: I called Evan Almighty. Score one for the home team.

Highest Grosser of the Summer: I said it would be Pirates 3, which won the worldwide crown... But finished fourth domestically behind Spider-Man 3, Shrek 3, and Transformers.

Sleeper Hit of the Summer: I said Nancy Drew. Well, with that $26 million in the bank, I will now light myself on fire.

Movie with the Most Potential, That Will Fail to Live Up to It: I said Georgia Rule, but - in hindsight - does Lindsay Lohan just drag a movie's potential down anyway?

There you have it. We will have to wait and see if Waitress garners any nominations to see if I was right on the last one.

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