Jun 10, 2006 04:48
- Wendy's has gotten rid of the "Biggie" Size. Hell hath no fury like a scorned Dave without his option to Biggie Size.
- I'm still at work.
- My favorite Essentially 1980's movie is getting the Deluxe Edition treatment later on this summer. I speak of none of than Road House. The suped up cars. The mullets. The crappy dialogue. Monster trucks. Power rock ballads. Member's Only jackets... I can almost smell the Aqua Net...
- I've bought a decent amount of furniture for an apartment that I don't have yet.
- I'm taking Germany to win the World Cup. Go Deutscheland.
- Speaking of Germany, why did Volkswagen drop the Peter Storsmare ad campaign? Sheer genius I tells ya'.
- My dad yelled at me for working too much last weekend.
- Yes, I'm still at work though.