what a cool guy, doesn't afraid of anything.
still, i still felt a bit bad for the guy when people boo'd bush as he walked onstage and he was like "why nobody clap for me :("
for once, HOORAYY 8 AM microbio lab lecture! cause after it ended at 9, i wandered into the library wondering if i could watch the inauguration on live feed on the internet or something. but then my library is so smart and sassy, it had a screening of the it in a conference room. :'D
WITH patriotic donuts too. YEAH so it can straight to my thighs so i can have patriotic thunder thighs. sexy can i buy myself a drank
obama is ~omg stunning~. seriously tho, he has talent in giving speeches. his word choice and messages are awesome, and i'm not sure if he has a teleprompter or not, but he makes it seem like he doesn't have one and still rocks it. get it bb
i'd watch the parade too, but i have microbio lab to prep for :( and i think i'm supposed to be in research in a few minutes. my grad student is gonna throw acid on me.