Sep 14, 2007 19:24


oh hay LJ. i need to take you out for runs and updates more. your thighs are getting chunky. kinda... with a cottage cheese-like texture. >8\, hey, don't cry... your hair is still fabulous.



what i was screeching about earlier. so my apartment assignment is fucked up.

let's see here, sir. i requested a single apartment. maybe living by myself. that'd be nice. sure, there's the safety issue, but my last roommie went out and partied so much every night and ending up in some random dudes' beds that i stopped caring where she was after the first 34 times.

and the whole leaving an old cupcake on her desk for 4 months thing was not sexy. i wouldn't throw it away cause i thought she might eventually want to eat it, but when my friends came over and greeted the little dessert and then wondered why the FUCK it was still there, someone threw it away. and it wasn't me. again, i thought she might want to eventually enjoy the moldy old baked treat.

so i asked for no surprise roommie- by hey, giving me NO roommate. 8D OMG SMART. and i will not room with my wifey cause marriage does not mean you have to cohabitate i don't want to test out the theory that best friends who room together end up hating each other and move out day results in the ripping open of and devouring of the others' organs.

also, we sleep at different times. and i could not study with her around cause we'd GOSSIP. ALL. THE. TIME. AHHH I LOVE YOU I HATE YOU. DAMMIT MAKE ME A SAMMICH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. *turns on the game*

AND. HOUSING DECIDES TO GIVE ME 3 ROOMMATES. 3 PEOPLE I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. when i received that letter in the mail, i was "SCORE. UNDISCLOSED INFO... THIS PROBABLY TRANSLATES TO, NO ROOMIE FOR YOU, YOU SEXY FOX YOU ;DD" and fed my awesome fish doug (REMEMBER HIM? YEAH HE'S ALIVE OMFG AND HE KEEPS BUILDING ME BUBBLE NESTS. HEHE TOO BAD I CAN'T LET YOU BREED, YOU HORNY FISH YOU.) sure, they put me in one of the farthest building and i have to walk and get to absorb as much as delicious cancer-promoting UV rays as i can possibly dream, but it's alright. i like walking.

then, i checked my email after being away and get a mysterious email from a mysterious girl. turns out she's my "apartment-mate". and so are her 2 high school friends. oh nooooo. 3? 3 PEOPLE? god forbid me sounding like a nerd but, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO STUDY WITH ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN ONE LIVING ENVIRONMENT?

sure i love partying and socializing, but some people don't have a limit. i hope they do. or i'll have to spend my life in the library again. on the 2nd floor. which my friend just told me is haunted. lil hottie francis says he'll accompany me, but i don't think he can do shit against a spirit of a dead murdered. :c and that's just wonderful.

and i found out my move-in day is next monday. which is 2 days from now. AHAHAHA WHAT?? lol how come was i not informed of this? roflmao i'm pissed. >8(

ok so monday is now complain day. i want one roommate. no more, maybe less if preferable. UGGH. SEE, MY SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER AND IT'S ALREADY SUCKING. WAAAAAAAAAH.

and i just came back from soaking in las vegas' fabulous spas and sipping juice to see this. actually i was supposed to show dino around with wifey but my flight was late 8U oh wah. i think i'll go pick up my paycheck and go shopping. 8\

OH BTW. a meme from mr.khover. i got tagged months ago but my memory is as sharp as an AIDS needle. sometimes.

Rules: Post the explanation of where your username(s) came from. Then tag TEN users whose explanations you'd like to hear. If you are tagged, then post the explanation to your page.

doctor-sasuke! why? lol, it's just amazing. dur.


1. sasuke was my favorite naruto character. (now he's buttfucking itachi for the top spot. they are both so uchihalicious. but so is mr. uchiha (♥), but stop getting off topic.)
2. becoming a doctor is my dream profession. i've been wanting to be a doctor since i was 3 1/2. (lol you silly asian parents. you do your job so well.) oh. and i still do. 8C
3. this plus me being a fangirl, i had a naughty thought that sasuke would make a steamy doctor that any patient would strip and bend over for. i have a crude old scribbling of this and i am so ashamed. dishonor dishonor dishonor.

and when LJ went "LOL USERNAME PLZ", it was born.



and as the usual rebellious scruffian i am, i refuse to tag anyone. or lj-cut. but scrolling is good exercise, you gays. 8)

have a good evening, honeys.
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