TRUE NARUTO STYLE MOVIE TRAILER HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?!??! 8DD GRRFGH i can't wait. :D neji should just come live in cali under my bed :D we got LOTS of waves here :D
finals are a bitch. :c my psych class, which never really counted as an AP class before, is now springing some obese final on me. D: now i have all these disorders to remember ontop of economy, calculus, and literature. :c and i really really hope my orchestra teacher doesn't decide to have a music theory final either. i will flip a baby carriage. with an infant still in it. >[
graagh we have a dumb rally tomorrow, and therefore less time to finish our weekly friday quizzes and less time to cram inbetween classes. theme is: battle of the sexes. oh shut up. retard school.
okokokokokok time to study. D:
edit: apparently the link is working for some people and being a buttface to others. i can't find it on sheezyart, so my solution is to try clicking VERY FAST AND VERY FREQUENTLY. or just try at other times. or log into deviantart. .__.; screw what i said before:
YAY, ALTERNATE LINK. edit x2: calculus infuriates me and i want to break something.