New York New York

Dec 07, 2008 21:40

Well f-list I am back from New York City.  I actually got back on Tuesday morning but I was hit by the worst jet-lag and a really bad throat thing, which knocked me off my feet. Can I just say that New York was absolutely A-MAZ-ING!!!!  It was everything I hoped for and more.

We arrived in New York on Thursday afternoon and we got to the hotel and after checking in and unpacking, the group (10 of us) went to Times Square which totally blew me away it was so strange even though I had never been to NY before it felt like I knew it already.  We ate in the WORST TGI Fridays I had ever been in, not that I was a big fan of them before.  My aunt and cousin went back to the hotel as my cousin was really unwell.  The rest of the group then had a wander down through Times Square and headed down to Port Authority Bus Station to get our tickets for the bus to Woodbury Common and we had a mad dash to get the bus so we could be there for 10pm.

Woodbury Common is a huge Outlet Centre which has a Midnight Madness evening on Black Friday with some of the stores opening at 10pm.  It was incredibly cold but it didn't stop us shopping from 10pm to 2am.  I got back to my hotel about 4am, had about 3 hours sleep then headed out for the day.

We were staying in the Waldorf Astoria so we walked up on to Fifth Avenue and started in FAO Schwarz which was the best ever.  I almost made my own Muppet but realised I wouldn't have had enough room in my case for it.  There was a Mini Harry Potter shop where I bought myself a Gryffindor scarf and hat set, I wanted a Slytherin set but they didn't have any.  You could have bought hats, wands a sorting hat all sorts.  I treated myself to a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs and some Droobles.  Then we went to the Big Piano made famous in "Big". It was so much fun to actually play on it.  There were professional Piano Dancers who were great, they played Chopsticks, Heart and Soul and Bach all with their feet.

Once we left FAO we went up to Abercrombie and Fitch to buy myself a hooded top, just because DT has several.  There was also a semi naked Abercrombie model in the foyer who was rather fit.  We looked at Trump Tower and couldn't see Tiffany and Co even though it was next door, I blame the Christmas decorations!!! We went to the 3rd Floor of Tiffany where all the Silver jewellery was.  I bought myself a necklace, bracelet and a pair of earrings.  I also bought a pair of earrings for my mum for Christmas which I am giving to her as a surprise.  We then headed down to Bloomingdales which I thought was a beautiful department store.  We headed up to the 6th Floor and went slightly mad buying Christmas decorations for everybody.  I went mad buying Little Brown Bags for presents.  I bought two small ones for myself and a medium one for myself as well.  I then made the first mistake of the holiday and went down to Macys which was absolutely MANIC.  I didn't even see the whole of the make up floor and I had to get out, it was too busy.  I went to the nearest Sephora and bought loads and loads of Bare Escentuals foundation.

We were going to see the Empire State Building on the Friday evening but we decided that seeing as we had so little sleep we got drunk and had takeaway in the hotel room in our PJs.

We went to the Statue of Liberty on Saturday Morning.  The boat ride was lovely and it was certainly an experience climbing to the Observation Deck.  I wanted to go to Ellis Island but I didn't have enough time as in the afternoon we were heading to Chinatown to get my handbags.  It was such a mad experience.

On Saturday night we found a lovely little dinner down the block from the hotel and had a gorgeous dinner.  After dinner we went back to Times Square.  I went to M&M world and bought EVERY single colour peanut M&M for my Mum as part of her Christmas box.  We then went to The View bar, the revolving bar from Sleepless in Seattle.  It was a lovely bar but $98 for a glass of beer, 2 cocktails and a non Alcoholic drink was a bit steep.

We went back to Bloomingdales and Macy's again on Sunday.  When we got to Macy's I headed right up to the 8th Floor and I went to see Santa.  Now it must be over 20 years since I last sat on Santa's knee and I loved it, felt like a little girl again.  We went out as a Group on Sunday evening, we went to Hard Rock Cafe which was nice but a little over priced really.  We were going to go to the Empire State Building but Sunday was the only day it rained so visibility was awful so we didn't bother.

We were heading home on Monday evening, so on the Monday morning we got up really early packed and checked out.  After breakfast we went to Build a Bear and I bought a lovely NYC teddy.  I was going to go back to Abercrombie and buy another hoodie but the queue was too long.  We went back to FAO and I bought LOADS of sweets for my cousins and my brother.  I went on a Carriage Ride round Central Park which was so nice and such a nice way to end the holiday.

I thought it would be a once in a lifetime holiday but I am already planning my next trip.  I would probably go in the summer and definitely go for a week and take a week off work afterwards to recover.

I have taken sooo many photos.  Feel free to have a look

new york, abercrombie, holiday

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