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And while we're here, how about the all important Confidential clip, including an official shippy fanvid, David Tennant and Billie Piper being cute, and RTD being somewhat hilariously evil:
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And because they made me laugh, choice quotes of a non-D/R nature from the end:
David Tennnant: So yeah, the Doctor is mortally wounded and needs to regenerate. And there's not really any going back from that.
RTD: He's changing into a new man. I've got no idea what happens next.
Who remembers TSE airing? And who remembers the ensuing week-long freak out? Never have I spent so much time screaming and panicking in one seven-day period. What did you believe - did anyone think he was genuinely going to regenerate (I seem to remember a lot of that around the time lol) or had you all figured out he wouldn't be?