Nov 12, 2013 12:41
From the Doctor Who Confidential for Doomsday:
RTD: What Rose brings to the Doctor's life is completion. It's completing a circle. He's male, he's alien, he's a traveller. Between the two of them together, they complement each other and discover each other and are in love with each other, absolutely, unashamedly, unreservedly. When the Doctor met Rose, that was a very different Doctor. That was a lonely, damaged man. His entire planet had been wiped out.
DT: He's literally, categorically, fundamentally on his own. Rose helped him move on from this terrible grief that he's been dealing with.
RTD: She humanizes him, actually. She knocks off the Time Lord edges and humanizes him, just as he Time Lords her. They were what the other was lacking. They are inseparable.
DT: I think Rose kind of gave him a bit of hope again.
[emotional musical montage of all the shippy moments--as you can imagine, it takes a while]
RTD: She will stay in that TARDIS until she's dead. That's what her life will be. And that's why it needs these cataclysmic events to draw a line, to literally put a whole universe between them. And I just thought it needs something huge, something epic, literally, it's called the war in heaven. And that's what Rose and that's what Billie Piper deserve as their grand slam finale. Gods are clashing over the Earth--the bronze gods and the silver gods--two great armies coming together with human beings trapped in the middle of it, and one Time Lord in the middle, and two universes in danger. It is as epic as you can possibly get, it's huge mythic story telling in order to split up a couple. In the end I sort of thought I'd created a companion who was so alive and dynamic and so wedded to the Doctor that you need a whole universe to contain her in. The only way to get rid of her is to send her to a parallel world from which she could never return, otherwise she'd stay with the Doctor forever.
behind the scenes,
2x13 doomsday,