Oct 30, 2010 16:14
Our daily D/R moments aren't going anywhere, but I've been considering asking this for a while and would love to read all your answers:
What is it about Doctor/Rose that makes them your OTP? Or what is it about them that makes you ship it?
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Lol, NGL I came very late to the game, and had already heard of/seen many cute images of 10/Rose, and knew that they were a d00med!ship, so I began the show in part to check out this ship, thinking I'd probably love it because I'm an inveterate d00med!shipper, lol.
I never expected though to fall so hard and fast for 9/Rose though! Their first meeting, the way he held her hand about a billion times in just one episode, their clear chemistry from the beginning...gah! Then there were all those other adorable moments in the episodes that followed, and his whole "I could save the world but lose you!" spiel in 1x04...and when he says "Just us then?" and grabs her hand and grins in 1x06 I squeed and knew that I definitely shipped them all the way, and thought they were acting really coupley now. When they danced...*flail* I loved 9's clear jealousy of Jack and Mickey, and how devastated he seemed when he thought Rose was dead at first in 1x12. I remember in 1x13 becoming desperate, wondering if they were going to get at least one kiss before 9 went away forever--I think I exploded from squee and relief when they did do so at last! xD
Then there was 10/Rose, which was still the same relationship, and yet very different at the same time--different dynamic, more cuddly/giggly/adorable, I think, until of course the angst hit full force in "Doomsday." So I loved the Doctor/Rose first for how cute they were, how much chemistry they had, how well they went together (both 9 and 10), the way they keep loving each other even after the Doctor changes faces and bodies--the way his feelings for her remain pretty much constant.
But the EPIC EPIC angsty end for them in "Doomsday" I think set the seal forever on my fate as a devoted and totally obsessed D/R shipper--it was SO well done and amazing and beautiful, though of course so heartbreaking at the same time (but what can I say, I think I'm drawn to angst!). And I loved the way he kept angsting about her and missing her in seasons 3 and 4....it's clear that he loved her in a way different than he's ever loved any other companions before, that what they had was unique and special, which is also what I love about them, and why they are my OTP for the show. And then of course they had to have this epic scene that made me die all over again:
It's just so perfect, the full circle, and also the fact that he saved her for last and that she was the last person he sees before he regenerates....gah!
Angel/Cordy has long been my TV pairing OTP, but Doctor/Rose is really giving them a run for their money for that position....
And oh wow...yeah, I can't even, imagining that...:(
*holds up an I Believe In Kyerumption sign*
Oh yeah, I think Kyerumption definitely applies here...;)
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