Title: Show Me Some Spock
Author: Jessa L'Rynn jessalrynn
Characters: Nine/Rose
Warnings: None
Summary: "Anything he can do, I can do better..." -the Doctor
A/N: For round one of the Time in Flux ficathon over at
doctor_rose_fic .
lorelaisquared wanted to get all of Season One and Season Two done before getting Season 3 & 4 started for Round Two. It might have been nice to help her out, but I might TECHNICALLY be hoping Round Two starts soon, which isn't the point, honest. *smiles* For whatever reason, I grabbed this, the last for Nine. I had this marvelous scene planned, angst, jealousy, rowdy Doctor behavior, pushing each other to their limits, angst, and angst. What do I get? Fluff. Sadly, I'm not the slightest bit disappointed, and I hope you won't be either. Thanks as always to OV -
seeing_history - who says I might not be evicted from the club for this, since its nice instead of mean, but it should be naughtier. All I can say is... yeah, I thought so too.
Show Me Some Spock at my LJ )