Fic - A Night's Comfort - (1/1) - Ten/Rose - K

Apr 17, 2008 14:23

Date Published: April 17th, 2008
Title: A Night’s Comfort
Series: Scattered Moments
Rating: K
Characters: Ten/Rose
Genre(s): Fluff, romance
Word Count: 1,750
Summary: The Doctor takes a moment to show Rose what their life is when they’re not busy running for their lives.
Disclaimer: The names, images and logos identifying the BBC and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of the BBC. Used without permission for non-profit, non-commercial personal use.
Fic Type: One-shot.
Author's Note: First of the ‘scattered’ series, which is a series of totally unconnected Doctor/Rose one-shots spawning from a one-word prompt. If you would like to give me a prompt, feel free.
Prompt: Night, from myself.
Excerpt: “You’re like this mysterious man,” Rose continued, as though he hadn’t said a word. “You turn up, all that knowledge in your head, and you help people. An’ it never gets boring, you say. Never ever.”

( Fake!cut - A Night’s Comfort )
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