(no subject)

May 26, 2006 04:01

Pulling into the left turn lane at the intersection of Tuckerton and Taunton, on my way home from hangouts after an immensely shitty day of work, I see a cop that looks like he is going to go straight ahead on Taunton, heading down the road off in a direction opposite of my destination (yay, run on sentences). Instead, he turns right, pulls a U-turn, and settles behind me. The left turn light becomes green, and cursing to myself I make the turn, drive for about 5 seconds, and then the lights flash. Once again, I was being pulled over.

About a week or two ago, I was pulled over for speeding and for my license plate light being out. I only got a ticket for the latter, thankfully.

So, less than a minute from home, dragged back into the shitty mood that the work day had produced, eliminating any good effects of the hangouts, cursing profusely, I pulled my car to the side of the road. His spotlight blinds me in the reflection of my driver side mirror. The cop approaches, strangely, from the right, so I open my passenger side window.

"License, registration."

"Just a second, officer."

I find the three items he wants, and hand them to him.

"Your license plate light is out," he says accusingly, as if this was done intentionally to be a menace to society.

"Yes, I was notified of this. I've meant to get it fixed, but the past week has been a little busy."

Silence for a few moments.

"Have you been drinking?"

Apparently when talking to an officer of the law, I sound intoxicated. And it's NOT because I find them intoxicating. I hate cops. I guess it's a nervous reaction. My speech is impaired.

"No!" I reply, sounding surprised.

His flashlight searches the inside of the car from the window. "Why do you have a bullhorn in your backseat?"

THAT is probably one of the funniest things a cop has ever said to me.

"Well see, I'm in a band. I use it on stage. I never take it out of the car, because, well, why bother?"

Might I note that when actually trying to form these sentences with my heart racing due to a mix of nervousness and rage, I sounded much less coherent.

In the end, he told me to get my light fixed, and let me go on my way. First time a cop has ever let me off with a warning.

Doesn't mean I don't think he's a douche bag.
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