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Oct 20, 2007 16:39

2008-05-16 02:49 pm UTC ( link) SelectTrace hadn't seen the blue box in some time but she recognized it instantly as the Doctor's craft. Despite the appearance of its outward size, Trace was not surprised that the Doctor had chosen to invite the whole crowd in. Craft of holding she thought to herself as she followed the Doctor to the craft's door as he searched his pockets for a key.

It did bother Trace, just a bit, what the Doctor had said about the Raganall "smoking" him out. Then she remembered something else:

"subspace chronotropic sub-temporal field" the Doctor had said.

Did that mean the Doctor was able to travel in time with this craft as well? That would certainly explain a lot.

"Time travel..." she muttered realizing.
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2008-06-17 05:28 am UTC ( link) SelectThe Thals held back as the unaccountable stranger swung open the door of a structure that surely couldn't hold more than three at a time. Looking back at them, he yelled, "Will you lot move?" and, unaware of Trace's train of thought, bounded around the flood lights -- only to be grasped from all sides by a horde of guards.

Angry guards. Scared guards. The worst kind.

"Oi! Stop! Don't you get it, they're coming, don't you--!" Struggling in their grip, he twisted to look for his companions -- and saw the blond-haired girl sagging against the blue side of the police box. "Trace!" he shouted. "Get in the TARDIS! Get Rose in there before--"

A distant low note throbbed through the atmosphere as a slug to the jaw shut the stranger up -- but his captors saw him shudder with comprehension, his eyes raised to the sky.
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2008-06-17 03:06 pm UTC ( link) SelectTrace wasn't sure what the Doctor was looking at but she wasn't about to let Rose get hurt either. She made a dash for Rose hoping she could grab her and get inside the blue box before the Thals went for them as well.

TARDIS? Is that want it's called? Bet Rose would know....

"Rose, c'mon! The Doctor said to get inside!" Trace yelled as she made a grab for the blond girl and headed for the now open blue double doors.

Trace didn't like the fact the Thals had the Doctor, but maybe there was something inside the TARDIS that would help get them all out of their current predicament.
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2008-07-14 01:35 am UTC ( link) SelectWith shouts of fury, the guards pelted across the roof toward the TARDIS -- but it was too late. There was no way for them to reach the pair before they vanished through the doors--

--where the area awaiting them was considerably larger than any of the Thals had imagined.
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2008-07-14 01:38 am UTC ( link) SelectThe Doctor had stopped wrenching against the hands that held him. If he was right about what was coming down out of the sky, it was too late to do anything for those who refused to save themselves.

Besides, he had seen the dim shape of a tall figure behind the spotlights, also racing for the TARDIS... a figure whose uniform was considerably different from those of the Thals.
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2008-07-14 08:45 am UTC ( link) SelectTrace had expected the TARDIS to be bigger on the inside than on the outside, though actually seeing it was a different matter.

"O-K," she said slowly, trying to take it all in. She noticed the control console, though couldn't make much sense of it, as well as the jumpchair nearby. Unfortunately, she didn't see anything at the moment that could help the Doctor. She wasn't about to take off without him, even if she could have figured out the strange controls. She also noticed the console appeared to be six-sided.

I wonder if you need a crew of six to fly this TARDIS she thought.

She guided Rose into the jumpchair and noticed that some of the guards had followed them into the TARDIS. Looking at the guards who seemed to be shocked at the mere size of the TARDIS' interior, she said,
"You lot, if you wanna live you'll get the Doctor and bring him in here; he's the only one who can fly us out of here in this craft. Unless you'd rather wait here to be shadow-monster food?"

Trace wasn't bluffing and hoped the guards would realize that. Hopefully what they'd seen would be enough to convince them that the Doctor could get them all out of this mess.
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2008-07-25 11:33 am UTC ( link) Select"She's right," barked Jack from the doorway. "Everyone, inside, and don't touch anything! Trace, you and Rose keep them away from the controls. We don't want the ship to go into lockdown and explode." He winked, from an angle that the soldiers couldn't see.

Outside, a massive ship was descending through the atmosphere with a thundering roar. The Doctor, watching the soldiers pour into the TARDIS, sighed with relief. At least that many people would be safe.

He looked around -- the two brawny characters holding him back were bewildered, shouting to another for instructions. He could probably break free if he tried, but that would do no good. If the mothership couldn't be turned away, it might take out its frustration against the helpless city.

As it drew closer, he wondered whether Jabrill might have been in the crowd moving toward the TARDIS. He hoped so. Whatever happened here, that man would be needed afterwards, to fix it.
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Jabrill (Also on the roof)
2008-07-26 06:49 pm UTC ( link) SelectJabrill was indeed on the roof. He'd seen the TARDIS appear, and the strange blue box resembled the descriptions he'd seen in the archives. In all the confusion, Jabrill had moved with the crowd bent upon entering the TARDIS. Although the archives had given him some idea what to expect, Jabrill too was momentarily stunned upon entering the craft.

I have to wonder exactly how well my "student" knows the Doctor.
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[[Yay NPCs!]]
2008-07-27 05:12 am UTC ( link) Select"Oi," Rose interrupted -- pale, but steady now against Trace's arm -- "you're that bloke from the lab.... Where've you been, then? Where's the Doctor?" She paused, noting the look on Trace's face. She'd said something before, hadn't she? But it was all hazy now.... "Trace... who is he?"

Jack, meanwhile, had called up a picture of the roof on the TARDIS scanner. He cursed softly.

"Okay, this is bad. We need the Doctor in here right now."

He turned aside to talk to one of the guards. On the screen, something hazy had begun to distort the staticky view of the buildings beyond the roof.

[[Feel free to NPC Rose and Jack as well.]]
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Re: [[Yay NPCs!]]
2008-07-27 12:54 pm UTC ( link) Select"Rose, that's my mentor, Jabrill Charis," Trace said, answering Rose's question. She still wasn't sure what to make of Jabrill. First, he had disappeared and then, when Trace had found him again, he was working with illegal tech with some shady Thals. Trace knew he was still needed, but she didn't have to trust him.

Trace didn't want to deal with that issue until she really had to do so. So she turned her attention to Jack, whom she's just heard curse.

"Jack, what is it? Have the shadow creatures reached the roof? Can you see the Doctor on that screen?"

Trace didn't dare touch the controls herself.
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Re: [[Yay NPCs!]]
2008-08-04 06:55 am UTC ( link) Select"They're out there," Jack said, and then swung a high-tech rifle at some of the more curious officers. "I said don't touch anything!"

The mothership was just coming into the range of the viewscreen. It was mostly white, shining between the spotlight beams like a multifaceted eye. A hundred feet away, the Doctor could be seen, a shadowy figure standing alone, his arms waving at the lowering hulk.

The TARDIS door burst open again, and the two guards who had restrained the Doctor scurried through and slammed it behind them. Instantly a thin sheet of electricity flashed over the doors, and one man, turning in alarm, got his hand burnt by trying to reopen them.

The other had picked Jabrill out of the crowd, and walked over to slip something into his hand.

It was the Mintakan twist.
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Re: [[Yay NPCs!]], Jabrill
2008-08-04 09:02 am UTC ( link) SelectJabrill took the twist from the guard. It pulsed ominously in his hand.

"All this fuss over such a small piece of technology, but as someone once told me, 'Good things come in small packages.'"

Jabrill knew that the others were watching him but he ignored it. He'd have to work quickly if he was going to get anything good accomplished. He made some quick adjustments to the twist.

"There. That should do it."
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2008-08-06 09:00 am UTC ( link) Select"You see?" shouted the Doctor over the noise of the ship hovering overhead. Jabrill should have had enough time by now... "Check your instruments! I'm guessin' it's been deactivated! An' you'll only get it back if you follow my instructions, you understand? Now get the Raganall to stand down!"

He didn't turn around, but he could hear it -- feel it. Behind him, the door to the rooftop had never been properly closed -- and now there was black smoke seeping through the opening.

The way to the TARDIS was clear. But if he took it, and the Mintakans left without clearing the Raganall away... the damage they'd do to Skaro was too horrible to contemplate.
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2008-08-07 01:32 am UTC ( link) SelectJabrill frowned. He'd deactivated the twist but had no idea what was going on outside. Striding up to the view screen he asked Jack,

"Can you give me a split screen view of the roof and the area above it?"

Jabrill thought he might have been able to figure out how to work the screen on his own but didn't want to mess with Jack, or his former student who was shooting him scathing looks, nor did Jabrill want to chance that he'd accidentally make the craft travel somewhere.
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Inside the TARDIS
2009-01-06 01:50 am UTC ( link) Select"Oh, I can do better than that," winked Jack, taking a moment to look Jabrill up and down as his hands flew over the console. More seriously, but still with a smug-looking grin, he added, "Brace yourself, it might be a shock."

The walls dissolved around them, revealing the lights and smoke of the rooftop silhouetting the struts around the central column, arching up to a roof that looked like it was no longer there.

[[This being the invisible-walls thing the Eighth Doctor did in the movie.]]
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Re: Inside the TARDIS
2009-01-06 02:53 am UTC ( link) SelectJabrill looked around approvingly. He'd not seen technology like this first hand though, given what he'd seen upon entering the TARDIS, he'd suspected he could get what he'd asked of Jack and then some. Quietly Jabrill surveyed the scene before him.

"What are they doing? Surely, they know I switched it off," Jabrill muttered.

Rose was also scanning the rooftop and the sky and saw the Doctor on the roof and the Raganall starting to come up on the roof as well. "Doctor!" she called to him. "Jack we have to do something! We can't just leave him!" She made a move to head for where the door should have been.
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